

2024-06-30    17'11''

主播: 一席英语

399 1

主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国) 歌曲 :Happy 今天我们来聊一聊——“小狗”。越来越多的人开始养不同品种的狗狗了,但是你知道“狗”除了用“dog”之外,还有哪些词吗? [图片] 主播Erin家中有一只巧克力拉布拉多犬(chocolate labrador),这只拉布拉多是她15岁时收到的生日礼物。Her name is Thalia and she is Erin’s favorite person in the whole world. 这只拉布拉多很喜欢swimming and playing fetch(游泳和玩飞盘)。 Erinoften takesher on hikes(带她去远足)and she will be so happy her tail wags(摇尾巴)the entire time. [图片] 主播Flora虽然没养狗,但是她也很喜欢狗。前一段时间她沿着青岛的海岸线city walk(城市漫步)的时候,还看到好多的人牵着他们的狗狗出来遛弯。They’re so cute! [图片] 1. 不同种类的狗用英语怎么说?(1)金毛巡回犬(Golden Retriever)Retriever是巡回犬。They are traditionally (先前) used to bring back(带回) birds and animals that their owners(主人) have shot(射击).(2)哈士奇(Siberian Husky)哈士奇这个名字是从Husky这个词音译过来的。至于为什么是“Siberian”Husky,是因为哈士奇是生活在西伯利亚(Siberia)的一种犬种。如果觉得这个名字太长了,直接说Husky也是可以的。 [图片](3)德国牧羊犬(German Shepherd)Shepherd本身也有牧羊人的意思,所以德国牧羊犬就叫German Shepherd。(4)柴犬(Shiba Inu)Shiba Inu是从日语音译过来的。It is an older Japanese dog. [图片](5)柯基犬(Corgis)They are known for (因......而出名) their little butts (屁股) moving when they walk. 柯基犬还因为四肢很短被人们取外号叫“小短腿”。(6)贵宾犬(Poodles)A lot of people in China have poodles. 说贵宾犬可能大家不大熟悉,但是如果说“小泰迪”肯定都不陌生。其实“泰迪”只是贵宾犬的一种造型名称,并不是所有的贵宾犬都叫泰迪。Only poodles that look as cute as a teddy bear (像泰迪熊一样可爱的贵宾犬) when trimmed (修剪) can be called “泰迪”. [图片] 2. 中国的本土狗,你知道多少?为我们大家所熟知的本土狗就是中华田园犬(Chinese Rural Dog)。 [图片]很多人觉得中华田园犬不气派、牵出去没有面儿。但据说秦始皇一统中原(unified the Central Plains)的时候牵着的就是这种狗。•unify v.(使)联合,(使)统一此外,史记里面记载秦朝丞相李斯被赵高陷害、处斩之前,他对次子就说:“吾欲与若复牵黄犬俱出,上蔡,东门逐狡兔,岂可得乎!”我原本还想和你再次牵着大黄狗,一起出上蔡东门去追兔子呢,可惜办不到了。He must have missed the time (怀念那段时光) when they had a big yellow dog with them at the time.还有,苏东坡的词里面写到“老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍”。这里的“黄”就指的就是用于行猎的田园犬。 [图片]So the Chinese Rural Dog plays an important role (起着重要的作用) in the lives of the people. They're good helpers and companions (好帮手和好伙伴).除了中华田园犬,藏獒(Tibetan Mastiff)、松狮(Chow Chow)、西施犬(Shih Tzus)也都是中国本土的狗品种。 3.想养狗?别急,这些你先了解一下They all havetheir own little personalities(自己的小性格).其实,狗狗也有自己的MBTI的。Labrador Retrievers (拉布拉多犬) are friendly and outgoing (友好外向), much like an ENFJ (主人公) personality type.Shiba Inus(柴犬) are independent and reserved (内向独立), similar to an INTJ (建筑师). 真的很难看出来,小柴犬这么一副阳光开朗的外表下竟然装着一个孤独又倔强的灵魂! [图片]If you are thinking about getting a dog, it would be good to do some research(做一些调查)on theirtemperament(性情) before. If you have kids for example, it is important to get a patientdog(如果家里有小孩,最好要一只有耐心的狗).还有,这个狗它掉毛严不严重啊、体型大不大呀、是中小型犬还是大型犬,这可能就关系到它的食量——一顿饭能吃多少了。 [图片]Large dogs (大型犬) are generally very energetic (都很有活力). They get excited when they go outdoors and love to run wild (当他们去户外时,他们很兴奋,喜欢狂奔). 4. 狗在中西方文化中不同的含义In traditional Western culture (传统西方文化), dogs are often seen as loyal (忠诚的), diligent (勤奋的), and great companions (很好的伙伴). 比如,"lucky dog"指的是幸运的人(fortunate person),"top dog"指的是成功的人(successful person),而"work like a dog"形容的是工作非常努力的人。 [图片]In Chinese, people often use words with "dog" to describe bad people(坏人)or disdainful things(让人鄙视的事情), such as 狗腿子 (a bootlicker).However, there are also positive idioms(积极的成语)like “犬马之劳”(愿意为别人效劳),and “犬不夜吠” (形容社会治安很好). 5. 狗对现代人生活的影响 [图片]其实现在有很多人养狗也是因为能从他们身上获取到很多情绪价值。Pets can provide psychological benefits (心理上的益处),比如情感支持(emotional support)、减轻压力(reducing stress)和对抗孤独(combating loneliness).And they also help facilitate social interactions(促进社交) and build connections(建立联系). You can meet many people by joining clubs(加入俱乐部), walking your dog(遛狗)things like that! It is easy to connect! [图片]For young people, you can go on so many adventures (去冒险) with your dog, go running, hiking(徒步旅行), etc.And for older people, if they are alone, they feel less lonely (可以不那么孤独). They can get out of the house (走出房子), walk the dog (遛狗), meet people (见一些新朋友). 这对他们的身心健康也有好处。 [图片] 6. 生命是平等的,汪星人也想要一个爱它的家养狗也是一份很大的责任(it is a lot of responsibility)。在决定养狗之前,一定要确保(make sure)自己有能力照顾它们。现在有很多狗狗被遗弃,让人心痛(it breaks our heart)。 狗狗小时候确实很可爱,但它们也会长大、变老。如果真的到了那一天,希望你也可以像当初他们陪着你一样陪伴着他们。 [图片] [图片]