

2024-09-01    08'30''

主播: 一席英语

316 4

♬主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) ♬歌曲:Love Story Selah recently got engaged!!!Selah最近订婚啦!!! [图片] 今天,我们一起来盘点一下外网热议的话题:the best relationship advice we have ever gotten (你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议)。 1. 常感恩 (Show appreciation often.) Never take each other for granted. Show appreciation often. “我从来不会把对方的好当作理所当然,我会经常对我爱人表达感激、肯定与欣赏。” [图片] 2.吵架时,你俩也是一伙的。(You are a team) When you are resolving an issue, you and your partner are a team, not people fighting against each other. It is the two of you versus the problem itself.(吵架的时候你对抗的,不应该是你的另一半,而应该是你们俩一起对抗问题。) “对两个相爱的人来说,吵架除了破坏身体健康、耽误事儿、以及事后后悔之外,没有其他的用处,所以有不愉快的时候,尽量提醒彼此及时止损,互相配合着把问题解决掉,而不是把对方解决掉。It’s all about the issue. It’s not personal. [图片] 3. 让你人生充实的,不是伴侣。(It’s your own responsibility.) They can never make you ultimately happy and fulfill everything you need in life.(让你获得最终幸福,以及让你人生充实的不是你的伴侣。) 能做到这些的,有且只有你自己。It’s your own responsibility to have a happy and fulfilling life. They will make your life better, but they cannot guarantee your happiness. 好的伴侣会让你的生活更甜蜜,但不能为你的人生幸福做担保。 因为,幸福在自身之内,不在自身之外。True happiness cannot be found in another person。 [图片] 4. 跟谁结婚?(Marry your best friend.) You should marry your best friend and someone you enjoy spending time with.(跟那个能成为你最好朋友的人结婚,跟那个你喜欢与其过日子的人结婚。) 无论对方多么地make you feel a certain way, “感觉”,都是靠不太住的。 Feelings change but friendship can help you stand the test of time. (感觉会变,但友谊经得住时间考验。) “我跟我爱人都认识十多年了,现在依然是每天聊不完的天,我们真的是对方最好的朋友。所以我觉得感情保鲜的秘诀里,一定有一条是友谊。” [图片] 5. 爱是一件又一件的小事(little acts of love) 影视剧会给我们另一种misconception(误解),就是love is about big gestures(爱是惊天动地的大事),但是,many times, little acts of love mean more。 The New York Times《纽约时报》出过一个特刊,征集了100位读者说说how they show their affection day-in and day-out(日常怎么通过一些小的行为表达爱意)。题目叫做 ‘100 Small Acts of Love’ (一百件爱的小事)。 [图片] 很多读者的回答琐碎而动人,比如: 每天晚上刷牙时会顺便在对方的牙刷上放上牙膏(put toothpaste on the other person’s toothbrush); 每次上车、下车时,互相亲吻对方一下(kiss each other every time they get in and out of the car)。 [图片] 一位加州的女士说:21年了,我丈夫总是会把最后一口甜点留给我。(For more than 21 years, my husband has given me the last bite of his dessert, always.) 真的都是一些small acts, but strong relationships need this kind of regular care and attention。 6. 他/她不会读心术( They cannot read your mind.) If there is something bothering you, you should talk about it.你的伴侣不会读心术(your partner cannot read your mind),所以心里话要及时说出来,要告诉对方,及时沟通。 不然,憋久了,you will feel bitter about everything(会看什么都怨气冲天)。 [图片] 那我们今天关于“你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议”就盘点到这里,每段感情都会有起伏(every relationship has its ups and downs),但是只要多一些努力和理解,感情会越来越牢固美好。 也希望你们留言告诉大家: 你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议?