♬主播:翩翩(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)
♬歌曲:What MakesYouBeautiful(开头)+Show Me [by Audrey Assad](结尾)
上一期节目中,我们用 12 个问题一起reflect on the past year(盘点过去的一年)。今天这期是新年计划系列的第二部分——2025 年新年计划。我们同样准备了7个prompts(提示问题),let’s plan for 2025!
Prompt #1 : What is your theme for 2025? 你的2025年是什么主题?
这个theme具体指the energy you want your year to represent or you want to have in your year (你希望这一年展现出的能量). 比如说to be bold and courageous(大胆一点、勇敢一点)、to go slower and heal(节奏慢一点,治愈自我)。
翩翩的theme: focus and deepen(聚焦与深耕)
Prompt #2 How can I embody my theme this year? 如何体现这个主题?
具体来讲,就是怎样才能开始living this theme(把这个主题活出来), 想一想需要做什么改变才能将你的新年主题加入到你实际的生活中。
翩翩:比如我的新年主题是聚焦与深耕,那我要定下我要聚焦的项目,并且不要贪多,人一贪婪,能量和智慧都会降低。就定一个,然后每天去刻意练习。This way I can embody my theme this year.
Prompt #3 How do I want to evolve in 2025? 2025年我想如何演变、进化、发展?
Evolvemeans to grow and change.
This can be about habits(习惯), your personality(性格)etc.
Prompt #4:What do you want to release in 2025? 什么是你想断舍离的,不带入2025年的?
This can be bad habits, emotions, mindset(思维), certain relationships etc.
任何不好的东西,你都可以列下来,release them。Release the bad things, 然后好福气才会进得来。
Prompt #5:What are your main goals in 2025? 2025年最主要的目标是什么?
This is a step where you should really take the time to think about what goals you want to set. 你应该花时间认真思考想要设定哪些目标。而且不能贪多(3 to 5 goals),目标太多,人会be overwhelmed (被压垮),就像之前说的,人一贪婪,能量和智慧都会下降。
一旦设置好,其他所有事情都要为其让路。Make sure to prioritize them (把这些目标放在首要位置、优先处理的位置).
还有很重要的一点,就是得知道为什么定这几个作为你的年度主要目标,不能拍脑门乱定。在每个任务旁边,要写下why you want to achieve this goal (为什么要实现这个目标), and also write down how it related to you living your dream life(写下它和你所梦想的生活的关联).
Have a good “why” because that’s also what is going to keep you motivated to work towards and achieve those goals when things get hard. 拥有一个明确的“理由”,当事情变得困难时,这将是激励你朝着目标努力并最终实现它们的关键。
Prompt #6:How do I want to transform myself? 我想如何转变?
依然是倒推思维,picture the version of yourself you want to become. 想像一下你理想中的自我版本是什么样的?
Build new habits. 建立新的习惯。然后掌控习惯。Identify the small daily or weekly actions that can help support your transformation. 从微小的行为入手,来达成转变。For example, if you want to get fit, maybe it’s starting with 10 minutes of exercise each day and gradually increasing it. 比如,如果你想让自己变得健康,可以从每天10分钟的锻炼开始,然后逐渐增加时间。
Prompt #7:What are some things I could start doing today that would guarantee an absolutely horrible year? 有哪些事情,如果我从今天开始做,一定会让我这一年过得特别烂?
翩翩:staying up late(晚睡)、手机闲聊
Maelle:spening quite a lot of time in front of screens (花了太多时间在电子产品上)
这些提示问题问完之后,我们就可以break down our goals, and plan them on a quarterly, monthly, weekly and then daily basis(把我们的目标细化,并按照季度、月度、每周甚至每天的维度来进行规划).
What is your theme for 2025? 你的2025年主题是什么?欢迎在评论区与我们分享,让更多人了解你的2025计划!
Happy New Year! 新年快乐!