

2025-01-15    08'20''

主播: 一席英语

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♬主播:Wendi(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) ♬歌曲:Imagine 大家这两天应该都发现了,小红书上忽然新增了很多外国网友,他们自称为“Tik Tok refugee”or “TT refugee”(Tik Tok“难民”)。中美网友现在在小红书上有非常多搞笑的互动。 [图片] 1. 小红书上的搞笑互动 There are many fun interactions. 比如,有很多网友说想要学习普通话(mandarin),然后中国网友就在评论区开始了教学。 其中有一个网友的留言非常搞笑: “Well I might not have a job next week, but we will start learning Chinese!” 小红书吸引了很多外国人学中文,and it’s very immersive(沉浸式的)。 This will be a good way for both to learn eachother’s languages(学习彼此的语言)! [图片] 不过虽然小红书为中外网友提供了一个很好的学习语言的环境,但是有时候翻译不准确也会引起很多误会和笑话。 比如有外国网友问:“小红书的‘种草’是什么意思?我需要去哪里买草?” 种草is not really planting grass but to create a desire for something—usually a product or service! There is still a lot to learn! But it’s great they’re trying to engage with Chinese culture (感受中国文化)!有些中国网友就在评论区分享一些中国美食或者中国文化。 在小红书上还有一个很好笑的现象,有一些博主are now forced to speak English during their live broadcasts(在直播带货的时候被迫要说英文),because many foreign users have joined(因为有很多外国网友加入了直播间)。 [图片] 而且还有一些直播间变成了“英语角”(English corner),有些是中外网友在里面练英语,也有些是中国人在教外国人中文,it’s so funny! 2. 想无障碍沟通,这些英文网络用语了解一下 It’s not always easy to talk to foreigners online, especially when it involves Internet language or Internet slangs. 网络用语是最容易造成理解障碍的一个因素。 中国网友开始学一些外国网络用语。 比如说: btw是by the way的缩写,意思是:顺便说一句。 rizz是charisma的简写,emphasizing the quality of being attractive or persuasive in social interactions,形容一个人有吸引力或者有说服力。 smh是shaking my head的缩写,用来表达对某件失望、无奈或者无语。 [图片] 3. 文化的交流、互动 It really seems like this migration to Xiaohongshu is more than just about social media. It’s creating unique cultural exchanges(创造独特的文化交流). This is very cool! Many users are learning about Chinese cuisine(中国美食)and scenery through Xiaohongshu, and some are even actively helping foreign users learn Chinese. 不过,有点搞笑的是:有的小学生让外国网友帮忙做英语作业! [图片] Work smarter not harder. There are even elementary school students asking foreign users to help them with their English homework! 更搞笑的是,these students are paying them back by sharing pictures of their pets(得到帮助的学生分享他们宠物的照片作为对外国网友的回报)。 然后,渐渐地,it’s becoming a trend of sharing their pet pictures(分享宠物照片也成了中外网友互动的趋势之一)。 Pet is also a universal language! 宠物也是一种通用的语言! [图片] 面对大量外国网友的突然涌进,的确有很多人表现出担忧,但目前看来,小红书平台is all peaceful and nice (一片祥和), and people from both countries, especially the Americans, are enjoying this cultural exchange at the moment (正在享受这种文化交流)。 And they are saying that Chinese people are really kind and really nice, and they really feel being welcomed here. 希望这种好的趋势可以lead to more positive connections and learning experiences(带动更多积极的联结和学习经历)。 这些“TikTok refugee”不仅让小红书变得更加国际化,也促进了中美网友的互动和交流。 It’s fascinating to see how global events shape our online communities.