2025.01.28 | 家,生命开始的地方。

2025.01.28 | 家,生命开始的地方。

2025-01-28    01'52''

主播: 一席英语

176 2

朗 读 者:Win(美)- 青岛地铁全线英文站名播报员朗 读 者:翩翩(中) [图片]家,生命开始的地方,人的一生都在回家的路上。在同一屋檐下,我们生火、做饭,用食物凝聚家庭,慰藉家人。平淡无奇的锅碗瓢盆里,盛满了中国式的人生,更折射出中国式伦理。人们成长、相爱、别离、团聚。家常美味,也是人生百味。 Home is where life begins, and the journey of life is, in many ways, a journey back home. Under one roof, we light the fire, prepare meals, and gather the family, sharing comfort and warmth through food. In the simplicity of everyday pots and pans lies the heart of Chinese life, a reflection of its values. It’s where we grow, fall in love, part, and reunite. The meals we share at home are seasoned with the true flavors of life.往者不谏,来者可追。晚安时分,安顿我心。一席双语晚安日历Today is over, tomorrow is another day.