2025.02.17 | 渔夫出海前,并不知道鱼在哪里

2025.02.17 | 渔夫出海前,并不知道鱼在哪里

2025-02-17    01'12''

主播: 一席英语

229 2

朗 读 者:梅莉(法) 朗 读 者:翩翩(中) [图片] 渔夫出海前,并不知道鱼在哪里,可是他们还是选择出发,因为他们相信,一定会满载而归。人生很多时候,是选择了才有机会,是相信了才有可能。 Before a fisherman sets out, he doesn’t know where the fish are, yet he still chooses to sail, because he believes he will return with a full catch. In life, it’s often by making a choice that we create opportunities, and by believing, that we make them possible.