

2020-01-15    25'06''

主播: 一席英语

9120 53

主播:Jerry | 翩翩 歌曲:hero Topic The literal and figurative meaning of English phrases. 1.Lend a hand : Literal meaning 字面意思: Let someone borrow your hand.“让别人借走你的手”。 Figurative meaning引申意义: To help somebody (搭把手) You are giving help. 伸出援助之手。 2.I got cold feet Literal meaning 字面意思: My feet are cold. 我的脚很冷。 Figurative meaning 引申意义: I am very nervous. I don’t have confidence. 我很紧张,没有自信。 3.You have a good heart Literal meaning字面意思 : You have a good health. 你身体倍儿棒! Figurative meaning引申意义: You are a good person.You are so warmhearted! 你是一个好人,你很热心肠。 4.Stay green Literal meaning字面意思 : Keep something looking green.It doesn’t make sense. 让某种东西保持绿色的颜色。字面意思根本就没有意义。 Figurative meaning引申意义: To protect the environment. To be friendly to the environment. 保护环境。 5.Phoenix Literal meaning 字面意思: It is a kind of bird. 凤凰 Figurative meaning引申意义: One is failed but he or she is gong to be burned(the bird) and succeed one day. 指那些虽然经历了失败,但有雄心壮志东山再起,涅槃重生的那些人(生活的强者)。 6.Add fuel to the fire Literal meaning 字面意思: You add fuel to make fire bigger. 往火上加燃料,让火着得更旺。 Figurative meaning引申意义: Make bad situation worse. 火上浇油。 7.A piece of cake Literal meaning字面意思 : 字面翻译:一小块蛋糕。 Figurative meaning引申意义: Easy job. 小事一桩。那都不是事儿! 8.Spill the beans Literal meaning字面意思 : 洒豆子。 Figurative meaning引申意义: Tell a secret. 说出秘密。 最后呢,Jerry向我们推荐了由乔治·奥威尔写的中篇小说《动物农场》