

2020-12-26    13'11''

主播: 一席英语

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主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国) Question1:How has this year been for you? 这一年,你过得如何? rough and challenging 坎坷,充满挑战 went very differently to what we were expecting 与期望大不同 (This is the case for everyone. 大家境况差不多。) definitely quite intense for us emotionally 情感上的感受很强烈 had to learn to adapt to situations(适应环境) and accept some things are just out of our control(接受不受控制的事情) share the same key word——COVID 全世界有了一个共同的关键词——新冠病毒 Question2:What is your overall feeling? 整体感受怎样? Be happy that the year is ending. 很多事情被耽误(put on hold)。 Good times, hard times, but never bad times.——by Steve Jobs 有美好的时候,有艰难的时候,但从来没有过糟糕的时候。 我们的爱和尊敬经历了时间的考验,而且与日俱增。我们一起经历 We need to stay positive(积极乐观). Question3:What are you thankful for? 你感恩于什么? Stay healthy and stay safe. Family and friends Health Stay alive. Question4:What did you accomplish and what are you most proud of? 你实现了什么?你最自豪的是什么? 梅莉: Finished first half year of college. Took time to improve my skills. Invested(花费) a lot of time in personal growth(个人成长).——the most proud thing 翩翩: Read many books Learned a lot. 明白了很多东西。 The mind got peaceful. Life was regular. 生活规律。 一小席的儿童英文体系完全地系统起来:fun and efficient Question5:Do you have any regrets? 有哪些遗憾? 梅莉的心态(mindset)很好:try not to have any regrets 尽力不留遗憾 situation positive or negative,see them as learning experiences If don’t achieve something or fail at it, try to learn from it to do better next time. Question6:What did you learn? 你学到了什么? 梅莉 Self-awareness 自我觉察: 学会管理情绪(manage emotions),并且知道什么时候 need a break。 To invest more times in hobbies 花些时间在自己的兴趣上 go for a run:clear my mind and release stress(释放压力), could work more efficiently 翩翩: 感悟:我不一定是唯一正确的,我的方式也不一定是最有效的,对自我的过度执着,是人一切烦恼的源头。 希望大家也可以通过以上问题,take time and look back on this year。 这真的很有效(beneficial for us),同时也可以帮助我们设定新年目标(make new goals for the new year)。 Let’s end 2020 on a positive note(积极的态度). Say goodbye to 2020, and welcome this new year with a positive mind. 以积极的心态,辞旧迎新。 Please comment us: 你的2020感悟是什么?对于2021,你又有哪些目标? Happy New Year!