

2021-01-01    15'42''

主播: 一席英语

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主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国) 音乐:Show Me 2021年已经开始了,辞旧迎新,是一个终点,也是个起点。今天,翩翩和梅莉和大家聊一聊,New Year’s resolutions(新年决心)。 New Year’s resolutions a list of goals you want to achieve in the upcoming year 在即将到来的一年,想要实现的目标清单 To write New Year’s resolutions越来越common(常见),在中国叫立flags。 hoping to spark positive change in their life想通过新年立志的方式,来点燃人生中的积极变化 New Year’s resolutions 一般都是关于:health, fitness, improved finances(改善财务状况),personal and professional development(个人和职业发展) Do you write New Year’s resolutions It’s quite a big deal. 是一件大事。 It is a great way to plan your goals. A great way to reflect on what you want to achieve in the upcoming year. 来反思你想在接下来的一年里实现什么 It is not easy to set good and realistic goals.设定切实可行的目标不容易。 Everyone has good intentions(意图,打算) for the new year but once the glow of the fresh year wears off(褪去), many people struggle to keep up with achieving their new year goals. 新鲜的一年,光环褪去之后,很多人就很难去坚持了。 Some tips to write New Year’s resolutions No 1: Prepare for change mentally. 从心理上做好改变的准备。 Look back to the previous year(回顾过去的一年),问自己几个问题: what you accomplished(实现了哪些) what you want to change(想改变什么) what you are proud of(自豪于什么) No 2: Set goals that motivate you. 列出能够激励自己的目标。 The goals need to be important to you and align around(与……结合) your top priorities(最重要的事). Create a plan. To make a plan of what you need to do per week or per month.大目标切成小目标。 This will help you stay motivated on the path towards(通往……的道路) your goal. No 3: Limit your resolutions. 限制新年决心。 很多人都会犯的错误是:to have too many resolutions and spreading yourself too thin.把自己切分得太薄了(让自己干的事情太多了) Don’t spread yourself too thin. It is important to prioritize.确定 (任务) 优先顺序。 No 4: Be specific. 具体一点。 Instead of writing “ be more healthy”, be more specific by writing “drink more water”, “quit smoking”, “eat more vegetables” etc. Make sure it is realistic. 目标一定要现实。 Give yourself a time frame in which to achieve the goal, like a deadline. 列一个时间表,有截止日期之类的。 No 5: Start small. 从简单的开始。 Divide big goals into smaller goals, it will make it more achievable. 由大化小,让目标可实现。 Break up a yearly goal into months. It will be easier to keep track as well.全年目标拆分为每月目标,这样也比较容易在正轨上。 No 6: Write down your goals and review them. 写下来,时常回顾。 This will remind you of your goals and keep you motivated throughout the year. 这样会提醒自己,目标是什么,也会全年充满动力去实现目标。 No 7: If you fall off track, don’t give up and get back to it. 如果偏轨,不要放弃,再回来。 Change is difficult. Setbacks can happen and it’s OK. 几经周折很正常,事物的发展总是曲折变化的。 *setback 挫折,周折 学会以上7个tips,相信你更可能制定出可实现的目标(create better goals that you can achieve)。 梅莉的New Year’s resolutions Read more books多读书 Wake up earlier, stick to a sleep schedule 早睡早起,坚持作息时间 Learn a new hobby 培养新的爱好 Hopefully travel when the situation improves 疫情好转后多旅行 Wishing you all a very happy new year and success in achieving all of your New Year resolutions! 新年快乐!一切如意! Please comment us: What is your New Year’s resolution?