老外来了:留言入选通知 | 你的名字,原来如此

老外来了:留言入选通知 | 你的名字,原来如此

2021-01-14    18'19''

主播: 一席英语

627 10

主播:翩翩+Bipasha 上一期节目,我们聊到“如何给男生取英文名”。节目最后,我们答应给大家一个“彩蛋”——回复大家的留言。今天,翩翩和Bipasha就来给大家送“彩蛋”了。 “一席文化”公众号留言: --How about the girl’s name Freya? Answer: Freya is a very cute name for a girl.It has not negative connotation(没有消极负面的含义). --我想给我家未来的狗狗取名叫:Charlie Answer: Charlie is definitely a very cute name for anyone.(谁叫Charlie都好听。) --见过几个奇奇怪怪的英文名: Water/Tiger/Bird Those are names to identify objects and not people.It definitely should not be used to name someone.(Water,Tiger,Bird这些名字不能用于人。) 人类不要跟食物,动物,东西抢名,哈哈。 --Thea这个名字呢? Answer: Thea is a beautiful name. It’s based on a biblical character maybe. (这个名字可能来自《圣经》). --How about River? Answer: Bipasha’s name is also associate with the river. (Bipasha的名字就与印度的河流有关。)But the word river itself is not the best name to name anyone.(“river”这个词本身含义很好,但是,“river”作为名字,不是特别好的选择。) 如果你非常喜欢“河流”的寓意,或许你可以选用“Bipasha”的名字哦。 --女生名呢? Answer: Here it is. By the time you are listening to this, it should be out.关于女生的英文名,我们已经录好了哦,敬请期待。 --摩西是大人物,挪亚也是大人物啊。 Answer: Moses and Noah are definitely biblical names.(Moses和Noah的确是《圣经》中的人物。) And the two names are not so commonly given to young boys anymore.(年轻人叫这两个名字的不是很多。) 可能是因为“Moses”带有一点神话色彩,现在很少有人会叫Moses,但Noah这个名字还是比较常见的。 --亲爱的翩翩老师,朋友们强烈要求来份女生版的 Answer: We have already recorded a podcast on girl’s names and it should be posted soon.很快就要更新喽,请继续关注。 --阔以选 Circle 为英文名么?希望小编帮我解答。 Answer:We don't think circle is the best English name to give. “圈圈”这个名字,在汉语里听起来很可爱。但,选用“Circle”作为英文名,就非常奇怪了。这就好像说,“这是我的朋友,正方形(square)。” 或者,“这是我的朋友,长方形(rectangle)。” --我一直很想知道,取名字可以自己用字母组成新的词来命名吗? Answer: That is definitely possible.是可以的。 A lot of people nowadays have begun combining their names with their spouses to create a cute unique name for their baby.现在有很多人,会组合配偶的名字,来为自己的孩子取一个独一无二的名字。 但有时候,因为不了解英语的文化,自己取的名字,并不能算是一个真正意义上的英文名字。我们下一期节目“女孩英文名”中,关于“如何取名字”有更深入的讨论,请大家继续关注。 网易云留言: --Zoey这个怎么样? Answer: Zoey is one of Bipasha’s favorite names. It has a really nice ring to it. (听起来很好听。)Also, it is quite a common name in western countries.(在西方国家也很常见。) 女生可以取名叫Zoe,男生可以取名叫Zoey。 --想要谐音中文名取英文名怎么办呢? Answer: To be honest, it works sometimes and not always .(有时是可以的,但不总是可以。) Bipasha给出的建议是:To get a second opinion on the name you come up with, with someone who knows English names to make sure it does not sound or mean anything weird.(和懂英文名字的人请教一下,确保自己起的英文名听上去不奇怪。) --翩翩,我想取一个关于月亮的名字,我的中文名字最后两个字是玥玥。 Answer: In English it will sound a bit weird if you name yourself “moon” , but there are lot of other names that mean moon. For example: 如果你给自己取名叫“Moon”,听上去有一点奇怪。但是,我们给大家推荐了一些与月亮有关的名字: For girls there is…. Neoma: It means ‘full moon’.希腊语,满月的意思。 Amaris: Amaris is a pretty and unusual baby name. 一个很美的又独特的名字,意思是,“神赐的”。 Lucine : Lucine is an Armenian name meaning “moon”. 亚美尼亚人对月亮的叫法。 Luna: Luna is a strong, yet shimmery moon. 意思是,“很大并且银光闪闪的月亮”。《哈利波特》中,有一个小女孩叫Luna Lovegood。 Aysun: Aysun is a lovely Turkish name, meaning “beautiful as the moon”.土耳其语,意思是,“像月亮一样美丽”。 Cynthia: Cynthia is a beautiful name for girls as well. Cynthia是“月亮女神”的意思。 For boys there is…. Chan: the name Chan is a Sanskrit word for moon. 梵语中月亮的意思,意思是,“无论走到哪里,都散发着魅力”。 Arche: the name of a moon orbiting Jupiter. Arche是围绕着木星的卫星。 Mayank: is one of the hugely popular Hindi names meaning moon. 印度语中的月亮。 Quacey: is a Scottish name and means “moonlight” . 苏格兰语中的月光。 Neil:usually almost always referred to Neil Armstrong Neil通常指的是尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong),第一个登上月球的人。 --How about the name: Leo, cute? Answer: Leo is a very cute name and quite common name as well. 很可爱又很常见的名字。 --What about Irene?It's a girl's name. Answer: Irene is a very popular girl’s name all over the world.(全世界流行) --How about Weir? Answer: Not sure if it has any meaning, and it’s also our first time hearing. So we are not sure if it has any meaning or significance. 我们也不确定这个英文名是什么意思,我们也是第一次听。 --请问我这个英文名可以吗, Townsey_Steve? Answer: That’s a quite unique name.很独特的英文名。 Steve is quite a normal name, but Townsey we are not sure if it has a particular meaning or not.(Steve是一个很常见的名字,但Townsey很独特。) But it does sound good and does not have any negative meaning either.这个名字听起来不错,没有消极负面的意思。 喜马拉雅留言: 我的英文名叫Christa。 Answer: Hello Christa, you have a beautiful name almost like the word crystal. Christa听上去就像crystal,是一个非常美丽的名字。 请给我们留言: 你对哪些话题感兴趣? 说不定下期节目我们就安排上了哦。