

2019-06-30    01'36''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

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存在 ——给我的学生 我想说的是:热爱生活 为那些你永远够不着的东西: 一位女郎的香水味儿 你进房间时她刚离去, 清水池塘上的波澜 那是永恒地游向别处的鱼儿 所掀动的,猫咪落在 咕咕叫的地毯上的足音。那微笑 它属于一张朝你轻轻转开去的 脸蛋,倒并非有意想侮慢你, 因此你永远也不能肯定 你所见到的是否是真的 (女郎、游鱼、猫咪、微笑) 直到最后出了一件事 这你知道得清清楚楚 于是铅笔掉到地上 摔钝了笔尖 Presences (to my students) This I would say: love life for what is always beyond you, the perfume of a girl who has gone just as you entered the room, the ripple on the bright pool of the fish already steadily swimming elsewhere, the cat’s foot-fall on the purring carpet, the smile on the face that is turned ever so slightly away from you, no insult intended, so that you are never quite sure whether what you saw ever really happened (girl, fish, cat, smile) until the very last when you know and the pencil falls blunted 作者 / 布鲁斯道 朗读 / 中原客 值守 / 失足少女 出品 / 读首诗再睡觉(dushoushizaishuijiao)