

2019-06-30    02'01''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

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西区高中50年聚会 怎么搞的?我们突然来到这里, 带着大包小包,被岁月磨损得 更加不堪,还好没有被不幸的命运 拧吧成为不咸不淡的陌生人。 老伙计,老情人,老对头 在希尔顿的大堂里 聊天。白头发的,没头发的, 染头发的,还有穿紧身运动服的, 虽然已经老得和开舞会,骑摩托不搭调, 也不能每天手拉手去自习室, 不能回到我们曾经熟悉的生活。 过去岁月的吉光片羽, 大多已是埋葬了父母亲的孤儿, 我们现在孤悬于危险和辛酸的瓜达卡纳尔岛: 水肿,心绞痛,瘤子,血栓。 死者埋积如山,失踪者不计其数。 我们为什么不痛不痒?我们为什么 没有尖叫?不要担心,我们还在这儿,还站着, 只有死人才有时间忽略那些细微的礼节, ——它们从没有像现在这样彬彬有礼, 或者因为威胁而出冷汗, 那些我们年鉴中的死人们, 永远年轻,向着未来微笑。 而我们制定一个撤退计划已经为时过晚。 这一夜,我们要品尝汽车旅馆的美食, 穿过“炉角酒庄”,并且相信世上再没有什么 比这次离别更加奢靡的东西。 50th Reunion: Westide High BY WILLIAM TROWBRIDGE How did we get here so suddenly, with our bags and baggage, looking the worse for wear, the ones misfortune hasn't wrung into anything-but-perfect strangers? Old buddies, old loves, old antagonists chat at the bar in the Hilton lobby; white-haired, no-haired dyed-haired, ringers for those oldsters so irrelevant to proms and cruising, to study halls and going steady—to life as we knew it. The smithereens of yesteryear, mostly orphans who’ve buried Mom and Dad, we’re holding out in a Guadalcanal of hazard and heart-soreness: edema, angina, sarcoma, thrombosis. Casualties mount, as do the MIAs. Why aren't we vexed? Why aren't we screaming? Never mind; we're here, upright, and don't have time to skip the niceties, which never seemed so nice, or to sweat the threats, as the dead, ever younger, smile toward the future from our senior yearbook. It's too late for a fallback plan. Tonight, we'll savor the motel cuisine, pass the Inglenook, and believe there's nothing opulent as this departure. 作者 / 威廉特罗布里芝 翻译 / 光诸 朗读 / X 值守 / 雨衣 出品 / 读首诗再睡觉(dushoushizaishuijiao)