

2019-06-30    02'21''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

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▍火 我记住的并不是一个女人寻找女儿时 嘴里冒出的烟, 也不是践踏过的路径上 留下的稻草拖鞋。我什么也没看见。 头发遮住我的眼睛,在梦中 我无法闭上我的嘴。大多数时候 那里有盐的味道,和造船工人 的勤奋。偶尔,我会听到 我兄弟在我脚下呻吟。 那里有平静,和放弃 的自由决定权。有屋顶。 有木板,树液,碎片。 我母亲皮肤黝黑,头上裹着红布。 她的生活比她背上抗着的火 还要沉重。 这就是过去意味着什么,孩子。 有地图和经文 刻在我手心,刻在整个镇上, 我走进镇上,寂静无声。但我记得 我不饿。我母亲把她的眼泪变成水稻, 只要她哭,就有食物。 作者 / [美国] 特伦斯·海斯翻译 / 明迪 FIRE It was not smoke rising from the mouth of a woman in search of her daughter, nor the straw slipper left on the trampled path that I remembered. I saw nothing.  Hair covered my eyes, & in the dream  I could not close my mouth. Mostly it smelled of salt and the diligence of shipbuilders. Occasionally, I'd hear my brother groan beneath my footsteps. There was the calm & discretion  of giving up. The roof. Boards yielding sap and splinters. My mother was a dark red head wrap.  Her life had been heavier than the fire she carried on her back. This is the meaning of the past, Boy.  There were maps & scriptures  carved into my palms, whole towns I entered sleeping. But I was not hungry, I remember. My mother turned her tears to rice  & as long as she wept, there was food. Terrance Hayes 今天这首诗,又来自每月一期的“诗歌来到美术馆”活动,明天下午2点,来到上海民生现代美术馆的是美国诗人特伦斯·海斯,照例是王寅策划,胡续冬主持,现场翻译是包慧怡。这后面几位都是读睡推荐过(不止一次)的诗人了,感兴趣的朋友不妨前往美术馆,探看一遭。 特伦斯·海斯在美国拿奖无数,目前在匹兹堡大学教书。他对种族、亲情涉足很多,今天这一首便是关于母亲的杰作。 虽是起笔落笔都是写母亲,但前几段里所描绘出的整个生活场景,把架子拉得足够高、足够大。这就让“母亲”不再囿于某个家庭,更有了普世的情怀。 荐诗 / 照朗 2016/08/20 朗读 / 海斯、Jeffery