

2019-06-30    02'05''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

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欢愉在于细小,在于沉默 欢愉在于细小, 它只占据心灵一角; 它形成于季节和风, 是一棵青青的小草, 是一朵无名的小花, 让芬芳在微风中轻飘。 欢愉在于沉默! 像月亮阴晴圆缺从不诉说, 像石化的金色蜂蜜成了琥珀, 像变成石头的骨骼, 像变成蚕蛹的飞蛾。 欢愉在于肌体, 它不会变成言语, 也不会发出声音和指示, 像一头老犬没有名字, 但无论你怎么称呼它, 它都会移动僵滞的四肢。 对人厌烦,也就厌烦话语, 哪怕在兽骨上刻着的字句数行; 欢愉在于细小,在于沉默, 它们的语言表现在行动上! 当人变成石头变成骨骼变成翅膀, 又不发出赞叹的声响, 才会发现他完美的形态, 成了一种意象。 作者 / [加拿大] 洛娜·克罗泽 翻译 / 朱徽 Delight In the Small, the Silent Delight in the small, those that inhabit only a corner of the mind, the ones shaped by wind and a season: a slip of grass, the nameless flower that offers its scent to a small wind. Delight in the silent, the ones that change shape soundlessly as moons: the fossil golden bee caught in amber, the bone transmuted to stone, the chrysalis of the gypsy moth. Delight in flesh that does not turn to word, the ones without voice or master. The old dog who denies name, moves arthritic legs to whatever you choose to call him. Weary of men, of words carved even in the penis bones of bears, delight in the small, the silent whose language lies in their doing and their undoing, those who turn to stone to bone to wing without a shout of praise find their perfect form become imago - Lorna Crozier