

2019-06-30    03'28''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

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▍长夜漫漫长夜漫漫,难以成眠。我躺在黑暗中 倾听每一种声响,一旦听到脚步声, 我就会紧张起来,怀疑紧随其后就会响起钥匙的声音。 而后黑暗平息下来,想象的画面被扑灭,而新的声音 再度响起。整夜都像这样,春梦中的小场景在脑中 接连不断,我感受着我的皮肤、我的身体,等待着你。 夜半时分,当脚步声不由分说地靠近之时, 我心跳加速,听见门把手推开的声音。我明白 你醉到了什么地步,就好像你根本不知道 自己来到哪儿一样。你脱了衣服躺在我身边。当我 把头枕到了你的胸膛上,神经这才瞬间松懈下来, 煎熬结束了。你嘟囔着:你究竟为什么 还和我在一起?我什么都不能给你!我沉默不语。 你想要个说法,醉醺醺地求我回答。我趴在 你身上,无法就这样睡去。长夜 漫漫。旅程开始了。你总是从我身下滚到床边 撤回到你的睡梦中,我一再凑到你身边,狗趴在 我身后,因此半张床都是彻底空着 的。 这就是我们的旅程,没有任何人明 白。 布莱恩·莫泽蒂奇 翻译 胡续冬 The nights are long and do not bring sleep. Ilie in darkness listening to each sound, and when footstepscan be heard, I become nervous, wondering if they’ll befollowed by the rattling of keys. Then the darkness calms down, images arestrung up, and again new sounds. So it goes the entire night, shortscenes of passionate dreams, so I feel my skin, my body, waitingfor you. When, in the middle of the night, thefootsteps do irrepressibly approach, heartbeat becomes faster, the doorknob ismoving. I see how you shift in your drunkenness as thoughyou don’t know where you’ve come to. You undress and lie downbeside me. Nerves by then have calmed, all at once, when I lay my headdown on your chest, and it’s all over. You mumble: Why onearth are you still with me? You get nothing from me! I amsilent. You want an answer and are drunkenly begging.I press up against you and can’t fall asleep like this.The night is long. The journey has begun. You on edge, youretreat from me in your sleep, and I crawl towardsyou, behind me the dog that presses up against me, so that half thebed is completely empty. Such is our journey and no oneunderstands anything. Translated by Elizabeta Žargi and Timothy Liu 有人说,结婚之前,一定要和未婚夫/妻做一次双人的长途旅行。旅程中遇到的种种问题,会让双方意识到是否真正的合适,因为人生就是一段漫漫长旅。 这首诗的最后一句,也说出了这一点:两个人的生活,就是一段他人无法参与、无法理解的旅程。 在这首诗里,很不幸他们的旅程遇到了障碍:一个睡不着的人,等着一个喝不醒的人,旅行已经无法继续下去了,半张彻底空着的床说不出原因,只呈现了事实。 荐诗 / 照朗2016/09/18 朗读/楚雨庭制作/楚雨庭配乐/Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (Are made of This)出品/读首诗再睡觉(dushoushizaishuijiao)