

2019-06-30    04'11''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

82 1

▍我记得,我记得 曾经,在寒冷的新年初始, 沿一条不同路线去往英格兰, 我们停下,看到人们攥着数字牌 从站台冲下涌向熟悉的大门, “喂,考文垂!”我叫嚷。“我在这里出生。” 我斜着身子探出老远,瞍寻某个标志 证明这仍是曾长久属于“我的” 那个小镇,但是发现我甚至弄不清 哪边是哪边。难道是在那些三轮车 停靠的地方,我们一年一度出发, 为了与家人共度年假?……哨声响起: 景物挪动。我坐回座位,盯着我的靴子。 “那就是,”朋友微笑,“你‘获得你根基’的地方?” 不,只是我童年未耗尽的地方, 我想反驳,只是我启程的地方: 到此刻我已将整个地方在脑子里清晰描画。 我们的花园,首先:在那里我不曾编造 关于花朵与果实的盲目的神话, 也没有什么老家伙讲诉与我。 在这里有我们那光辉的家, 可当我沮丧却从未向它寻过宽慰, 在这里小子们都有二头肌,姑娘们都有丰满的胸脯, 这里有他们滑稽的福特车,他们的农场,在那儿我可以 “真正的自我”。我指给你看,那儿, 那片蕨丛我从不哆嗦一声就敢坐下, 我曾下决心要消灭它;在那里她曾 仰面躺下,“一切变成一团燃烧的雾”。 还有,在那些办公间,我的打油诗 既没在钝秃的十点字模里印成铅字,也不曾被 市长的某位尊贵表亲诵读, 在那里他不曾打电话告诉过我爸爸 在我们面前,有可以望见的天赋─— “你好像巴不得这地方去下地狱,” 朋友说,“从你的脸来看。”“噢, 我想不是这地方的错,”我说。 “无事,正如某事,总会在任何地方发生。” 作者 / [英国] 菲力普•拉金 翻译 / 舒丹丹 I Remember, I Remember Coming up England by a different line For once, early in the cold new year, We stopped, and, watching men with number plates Sprint down the platform to familiar gates, "Why, Coventry!" I exclaimed. "I was born here." I leant far out, and squinnied for a sign That this was still the town that had been 'mine' So long, but found I wasn't even clear Which side was which. From where those cycle-crates Were standing, had we annually departed For all those family hols? . . . A whistle went:  Things moved. I sat back, staring at my boots. 'Was that,' my friend smiled, 'where you "have your roots"?' No, only where my childhood was unspent, I wanted to retort, just where I started: By now I've got the whole place clearly charted. Our garden, first: where I did not invent Blinding theologies of flowers and fruits, And wasn't spoken to by an old hat. And here we have that splendid family I never ran to when I got depressed, The boys all biceps and the girls all chest, Their comic Ford, their farm where I could be 'Really myself'. I'll show you, come to that, The bracken where I never trembling sat, Determined to go through with it; where she Lay back, and 'all became a burning mist'. And, in those offices, my doggerel Was not set up in blunt ten-point, nor read By a distinguished cousin of the mayor, Who didn't call and tell my father There  Before us, had we the gift to see ahead -  'You look as though you wished the place in Hell,' My friend said, 'judging from your face.' 'Oh well,  I suppose it's not the place's fault,' I said.' Nothing, like something, happens anywhere.' Philip Larkin “我们一年一度出发, / 为了与家人共度年假”,这长久以来沿袭下来的习惯,早已演变为某种仪式。于是新年成为一个恰好的契机,让人们重回故地,去面对那些旧人旧事。 小镇记得你曾经的模样,即使有一天你回到这里,发现自己已经弄不清哪边是哪边,但你始终知道,这里是自己“童年未耗尽的地方”,也是自己“启程的地方”。故乡作为一种遥远的羁绊,仅此两个理由便已足够。 没有人拥有一个无坚不摧的故乡。一切变得不再确定,曾长久属于“你的”那个小镇,决意用它的面目全非来迎接你的今非昔比。你在得到,也在失去。所谓的“变化”,似乎只是为了维持某种微妙的平衡。 你热爱过它也痛恨过它,有时忍不住在两种感情之间摇摆不定。但是一年一度,你准会回到这里,毕竟那“不是这地方的错”。唯有看透了时间的伎俩,才能更轻松地接纳这一切。 荐诗 / 楚歌 2017/01/26 朗读 / 王萨洒 值守 / 失足少女 出品 / 读首诗再睡觉(dushoushizaishuijiao)