

2019-06-30    01'36''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

93 1

▍叙利亚 这些青草,古老的敌人 等待在城镇的边缘 隐藏了活的岩石的一次行动, 蜥蜴们兜起的眼睛 来自敌意而神奇的时代。 现在下起了雪,在山顶绿色的 空地,只有白色的城镇 那里的树木果实丰茂 女孩们把丝绒般的美 一代代承继,温柔地妆点。 在这里,我是个异族人 穿着玻璃制成的异类的 大衣。那黑色的眼睛,明媚的 微笑,投向玻璃的眼神 一碰即碎好比纤细奇怪的昆虫。 从青草和无法治愈的蜥蜴那里, 投向所有陌生人的仇恨的飞镖,都在这 只能防备朋友的盔甲上找到, 破开又破开,就像蚊蚋忙于 刺痛皮肤,在那里留下毒药。 作者 / [英国] 基斯·道格拉斯翻译 / 照朗 Syria These grasses, ancient enemies waiting at the edge of towns conceal a movement of live stones, the lizards with hooded eyes of hostile miraculous age. It is now snow on the green space of hilltops, only towns of white whose trees are populous with fruit and girls whose velvet beauty is handed down to them, gentle ornaments. Here I am a stranger clothed in the separative glass cloak of strangeness. The dark eyes, the bright-mouthed smiles, glance on the glass and break falling like fine strange insects. But from the grass, the incurable lizard, the dart of hatred for all strangers finds in this armour, proof only against friends, breach after breach and like the gnat is busy wounding the skin, leaving poison there. Keith Douglas