蜜蜂之死琳达·帕斯坦蜜蜂的传记是以蜂蜜写就的现在它正在接近完结。很快那属于夏天的嗡鸣的单声圣歌将要被终结从此再无声息;那些还未被点燃的花朵将要最后一次暴烈燃烧而后消隐。 而那个今早揉着自己被叮刺的脚踝的男孩将要回看他短暂的泪水带着某种有点像悔恨的感情,忆起那琥珀色的蜜之滋味。The Death of the BeeBY LINDA PASTANThe biography of the beeis written in honeyand is drawingto a close. Soon the buzzingplainchant of summerwill be silencedfor good; the flowers, unkindledwill blazeone last timeand go out. And the boy nursinghis stung ankle this morningwill look backat his brief tears with somethinglike regret,remembering the ambertaste of honey.