

2019-07-01    02'59''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

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情人节 唐纳德·布里顿(美) 献给 大卫·科博·克莱格 在开始的时候,我们换着姿态说话 用腔调充满整个夜晚 直到有些话题来到嘴边。在这个造作的场景中 生命很容易迷失。 现在在我们身体里生长的东西 ——海绵状的,木髓一样的细胞—— 让我们拿着的一张张纸出现 又消失。我只求你 带我离开这个地方, 到另一个地方,虽然表面上 相差不大,但在那里我们可以相遇 在六个月后 我们可以结婚。你笑了跟我走了。 Valentine BY DONALD BRITTON for David Cobb Craig At first, we had ways of talking That filled up the evening Until some things could be said. It was a made-up Situation in which lives could be lost. Whatever that was now grows inside Our bodies—a spongy, pulpy cell— Causing pieces of paper we hold In our hands to appear   And disappear. All I ask Is to take me away from this place, To another place, very much like This place, where we can meet And six months later Be married. You laughed and went with me.