

2019-07-01    02'39''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

201 3

海岸 我想那时我找到了答案 当乌鸦聚集成群, 盘旋于空,快速地升向高处, 继而转弯,于是整个布阵 光影交错。有时十只 或者二十只,飞离鸦群,好像复调,随后 又与之会合,没入 同一种律动。成百的翱翔的生命 心却融在一处,嬉戏 于夕阳之下,将夜晚 引向我们,以粉红,以湛蓝: 如此喜悦,黑暗可忽略不计。 作者 / [美] 爱丽丝·琼斯 翻译 / 刘宛妮 Coast I thought I found the answer when the blackbirds formed a swarm, hovered, lofted off at high speed, veered, became a composition of light-dark motion. Sometimes ten or twenty flew apart, a counterpoint, then re-collided with the main-flock, merged into one impulse. One mind among  a hundred soaring bodies, played  in twilight, brought night down onto us, out of pink and blue:  so elated, darkness hardly mattered.  Alice Jones 朗读 | 白洁如、哪吒 制作 | 楚雨庭 出品 | 读首诗再睡觉