

2019-07-01    06'23''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

67 1

一座阿伦德尔墓 肩并着肩,面目模糊, 伯爵和夫人躺在石墓, 他们体面的气度隐隐可见 自接合的盔甲,僵硬的褶皱, 还有那微弱的荒诞的暗示—— 他们脚下的小狗。 这种前巴洛克风格的朴素 几乎不能留住视线,直到 看见他左手的护手套,仍旧 空空地攥在另一边;然后 发现,带着锋利而温柔的震撼, 他的手抽回,握住她的手。 他们想不到会躺这么久。 雕像中的这种忠诚 正是朋友们看到的细处: 雕刻者摆脱受人托付的 腻味的优美,为了环绕底座的 拉丁姓氏能流传更久。 他们猜不出,从多早开始 在他们仰卧静止的旅程 空气将变成无声的伤害, 赶走墓穴衰老的住民; 也猜不出,后来者的眼睛多久以后 开始打望,不再细品。他们僵硬地 坚持,牵手,跨过时间的 弧度。雪,不期而落。阳光 在每个夏天挤进草丛。明亮 而杂乱的鸟鸣撒落在同样 撒满尸骨的大地。而路上 无尽的变幻的人流涌来, 冲刷掉他们的身份。 而今,无助地躺在 一个非纹章年代的坟墓,一个烟雾的 低谷,在缓慢漂浮的混乱里, 在历史的碎片上, 只有一种姿势保留: 时间已使他们变得 不真实。无意而为的 岩石的忠贞,已慢慢变成 最后的徽盾,为了印证   我们的一丝直觉几近真实: 爱,将使我们幸存。 菲利普·拉金 舒丹丹 译 An Arundel Tomb Side by side, their faces blurred,    The earl and countess lie in stone,    Their proper habits vaguely shown    As jointed armour, stiffened pleat,    And that faint hint of the absurd—    The little dogs under their feet. Such plainness of the pre-baroque     Hardly involves the eye, until It meets his left-hand gauntlet, still    Clasped empty in the other; and    One sees, with a sharp tender shock,    His hand withdrawn, holding her hand. They would not think to lie so long.    Such faithfulness in effigy Was just a detail friends would see: A sculptor’s sweet commissioned grace    Thrown off in helping to prolong    The Latin names around the base. They would not guess how early in Their supine stationary voyage The air would change to soundless damage,    Turn the old tenantry away; How soon succeeding eyes begin To look, not read. Rigidly they Persisted, linked, through lengths and breadths    Of time. Snow fell, undated. Light Each summer thronged the glass. A bright    Litter of birdcalls strewed the same Bone-riddled ground. And up the paths    The endless altered people came, Washing at their identity.    Now, helpless in the hollow of    An unarmorial age, a trough Of smoke in slow suspended skeins    Above their scrap of history,    Only an attitude remains: Time has transfigured them into    Untruth. The stone fidelity They hardly meant has come to be    Their final blazon, and to prove    Our almost-instinct almost true:    What will survive of us is love. Philip Larkin