

2019-07-01    02'20''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

143 2

▍新年是个好时机 献给米格尔 新年是个好时机, 把我的孤独留在老去的一年。 我的孤独已经革质化就像一双工作靴 我的狗咬着它反反复复起劲摇晃, 在我的前院夜以继日地嚼它, 无论雨天,晴天,雪天,风天 我都光着脚,思考着我的诗, 都会透过窗户看我这双脏鞋。 但我的快乐如此倚仗着这双靴子。 在每天的末尾 当我在座椅上听一首墨西哥吉他弹唱 我会以欣赏的目光看我的靴子: 我们一起走过的长路,一起拜访的所有禁药 和威士忌酒屋,当墨西哥歌手哀嚎着他的痛苦, 我向我的靴子微笑,心领神会于他的每一个音符, 还有陌生人们,他们看到靴子在我的脚上 前后摇晃 正像那首歌的节奏,看到它 布满牙印的靴筒,快磨透的靴底。 我一直穿着这双靴子因为它们实在太合脚 我也需要它们,尤其是当我怀着如此强烈的爱, 走在布满乱石的路上, 当花朵们因为对阳光的爱情藐视一切, 把那些石头撑破。 作者 / [美国] 吉米·圣地亚哥·巴卡  翻译 / 光诸 It would be neat if with the New Year  For Miguel It would be neat if with the New Year I could leave my loneliness behind with the old year. My leathery loneliness an old pair of work boots my dog vigorously head-shakes back and forth in its jaws, chews on for hours every day in my front yard— rain, sun, snow, or wind in bare feet, pondering my poem, I’d look out my window and see that dirty pair of boots in the yard. But my happiness depends so much on wearing those boots. At the end of my day while I’m in a chair listening to a Mexican corrido I stare at my boots appreciating: all the wrong roads we’ve taken, all the drug and whiskey houses we’ve visited, and as the Mexican singer wails his pain, I smile at my boots, understanding every note in his voice, and strangers, when they see my boots rocking back and forth on my                                                         feet keeping beat to the song, see how my boots are scuffed, tooth-marked, worn-soled. I keep wearing them because they fit so good and I need them, especially when I love so hard, where I go up those boulder strewn trails, where flowers crack rocks in their defiant love for the light. JIMMY SANTIAGO BACA