

2019-07-01    00'56''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

96 3

拳 紧握着我心脏的那只拳头 稍稍松开;我大口呼吸 这份明快轻松,但它又再次 握住。我何曾没有爱过 这爱的痛苦?但这次它超出了 爱而达到疯狂。它有着 疯子一样的钳握;这是在嚎叫着坠入 深渊前,死死扣住 非理性的悬崖。 心啊,就这样紧紧地扣住。 这样,至少你还能活着。 The Fist The fist clenched round my heart loosens a little, and I gasp brightness; but it tightens again. When have I ever not loved the pain of love? But this has moved past love to mania. This has the strong clench of the madman, this is gripping the ledge of unreason before plunging howling into the abyss. Hold hard then, heart. This way at least you live. Derek Walcott 作者 / [圣卢西亚] 德瑞克·沃尔科特翻译 / 阿九朗读 / 喜多卉制作 / 祭祀出品 / 读首诗再睡觉(dushoushizaishuijiao)