

2019-07-01    02'43''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

130 1

相册(四)假若我要在哪里拥抱他的话那会是在河岸上,在那个夏天我去寄宿学院之前,他正当盛年,而我那时并没想到,他那么坚持随我同行,是因为我很快就会离开。那原本可能是第一次,但没有发生。第二次才真的抱了他,在新渡村有个晚上,他喝得太醉,需要有人帮他把裤子扣好。而第三次抱他是在楼梯口,那是他的最后一个星期,我帮他上卫生间,我的右胳膊托起他腋下渔网似的重量。  Album (IV)Were I to have embraced him anywhereIt would have been on the riverbankThat summer before college, him in his prime,Me at the time not thinking how he mustKeep coming with me because I’d soon be leaving.That should have been the first, but it didn’t happen.The second did, at New Ferry one nightWhen he was very drunk and needed helpTo do up trouser buttons. And the thirdWas on the landing during his last week,Helping him to the bathroom, my right armTaking the webby weight of his underarm.作者:[爱尔兰] 谢默斯希尼译者:范静哗 罗池选自:《消失的岛屿:希尼自选诗集1988-2013》,人民文学出版社 九久读书人 朗读:中原客、沐语(英语)制作:法夏 出品:读首诗再睡觉