雨浓墨的笔触在天空填满了雨。我装作奔向避雨处,心中暗暗祈求更大的雨。在雨水的回声之上,我听到一个声音在呼唤我的名字。这座城市中没有一个人在这看不见的急雨中奔走。我的笔记本已经湿透,卷曲。我曾在上面写道:“瑜伽师张开嘴连续几个小时喝雨水。”天空是装满黑水的碗,漂洗着你的脸。窗户在颤抖,玻璃仿佛会在大雨中碎成液体。我是一个漆黑的碗,渴望被灌满。如果我现在张开嘴,我会在淹死在这雨中。我奔向家门,就像有人在那里等着我。夜倾泻在你的皮肤上。而我是雨。作者 / [美国] 卡兹姆阿里翻译 / 光诸RainWith thick strokes of ink the sky fills with rain.Pretending to run for cover but secretly praying for more rain.Over the echo of the water, I hear a voice saying my name.No one in the city moves under the quick sightless rain.The pages of my notebook soak, then curl. I’ve written:“Yogis opened their mouths for hours to drink the rain.”The sky is a bowl of dark water, rinsing your face.The window trembles; liquid glass could shatter into rain.I am a dark bowl, waiting to be filled.If I open my mouth now, I could drown in the rain.I hurry home as though someone is there waiting for me.The night collapses into your skin. I am the rain.BY KAZIM ALI