

2019-08-11    03'17''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

6464 39

当我天生的五官都能看见 当我天生的五官都能看见, 手指将忘记园艺技能而注意 通过半月形的植物眼, 年轻的星星的外壳和黄道十二宫, 霜冻中的爱情怎样像水果一样在冬天贮藏, 低语的耳朵将注视着爱情被鼓声送走 沿着微风和贝壳走向不谐的海滩, 犀利的舌头将用零落的音节呼喊 爱情的钟爱的创伤已痛苦地治愈。 我的鼻孔将看见爱情的呼吸像灌木林一样燃烧。 我唯一的高贵的心在所有爱情的国土上 都有见证人,他们将在黑暗中摸索着醒来; 等盲目的睡眠降临于窥视的感官, 心还是有情的,虽然五只眼睛都毁灭。 作者 / [英国] 狄兰·托马斯 翻译 / 巫宁坤 When All My Five and Country Senses See When all my five and country senses see, The fingers will forget green thumbs and mark How, through the halfmoon's vegetable eye, Husk of young stars and handfull zodiac, Love in the frost is pared and wintered by, The whispering ears will watch love drummed away Down breeze and shell to a discordant beach, And, lashed to syllables, the lynx tongue cry That her fond wounds are mended bitterly. My nostrils see her breath burn like a bush. My one and noble heart has witnesses In all love's countries, that will grope awake; And when blind sleep drops on the spying senses, The heart is sensual, though five eyes break. Dylan Thomas