Henry and the Sugarbugs

Henry and the Sugarbugs

2016-06-30    02'14''

主播: WETALK亲子英语

140 6

This is Henry. Henry likes to eat fruit... ...and pasta ... and oatmeal ...and broccoli ...and chicken ...and most of all: chocolate. This is a sugar bug. Sugar bugs live in your mouth. When Henry eats his delicious foods, sugar bugs get EXCITED and start to multiply. They multiply fast when Henry eats sweets (sugar bugs love sugar!). When Henry's mom calls, "Henry, it's time to brush your teeth," Henry hides. When Henry's mom finds him, she explains what happens to little kids who don't brush their teeth. Sugar bugs eat big holes in teeth, called CAVITIES. Henry runs to the bathroom, grabs his toothbrush and... Yay! No more sugar bugs!
上一期: I love animals
下一期: My Precious Baby Dear