11.妈咪讲英文故事-I like me|自尊、自信、悦纳自己、满满正能量

11.妈咪讲英文故事-I like me|自尊、自信、悦纳自己、满满正能量

2016-01-25    03'13''

主播: 妈咪讲故事

702 14

I have a best friend。 That best friend is me! I ride fast! And I read good books with me! I like to take care of me。 I brush my teeth。 I keep clean and I eat good food。 When I get up in the morning I say,“Hi,good-looking!” I like my curly tail,my round tummy,and my tiny little feet。 When I feel bad,I cheer myself up。 When I fall down,I pick myself up。 When I make mistakes,I try and try again! No matter where I go,or what I do,I’ll always be me,and I like that!!!