10 Christmas traditions you must know

10 Christmas traditions you must know

2015-12-21    02'45''

主播: 黄静婷Elsie_雅思口语

7320 441

10 Christmas traditions you must know Traditions help us make memories and we hold those memories dear to our hearts. Christmas traditions are very important for the westerners to have and make for their families. So…what will they do? 1) They will make decorating the tree a family event, serve hot chocolate and play Christmas music as well as sing Christmas carols. Well, for our Chinese spring festival, even though we don’t have a tree at home but we do have some special festive music to play. 2) They will make their own Christmas cards to send to people whom they love and care about. 3) They will go Christmas shopping and buy new and meaningful things for their family and friends. No.2&3 are very similar to our tradition for spring festival. 4) They will Donate Clothes or toys for needy children 5) The parents will read one Christmas short story each night before bed to their children 6) They will attend a Church service together. Personally I adore no. 4,5 and 6, because holiday is all about sharing and passing on your love to others. Don’t you think so? 7) They will Bake and decorate cookies, in China, we will make dumplings. 8) They will Take a picture as a family in front of the Christmas tree, and make it a yearly tradition. 9) They will Make paper snowflakes to decorate the windows 10) They will light up their walkway/driveway with handmade luminaries. No 8,9 and 10 are similar to what we have in china, we also take family pictures and make paper cuts and hang up lanterns.
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