

2019-02-01    05'43''

主播: 芝兰于室

171 2

嫁女的父亲 文/沙玛中华 译/静好(英国) 阿依妞妞,你要远嫁了 朋友们从四面赶来祝福 在一轮圆月下 喝光了九十九坛酒 阿依妞妞,你要远嫁了 家族们从八方赶来庆贺 在古老的歌谣里 吃完了九十九只肥羊 阿依妞妞,你要远嫁了 你可曾想过 我今后的日子难免寂寞 谁来细数我白发又长了几根 阿依妞妞,你要远嫁了 请你留下一点微笑 装满快乐的闺房害怕孤独 不要让我的诗行在纸笺上哽咽 阿依妞妞,你要远嫁了 你走后的夜会很长很长 可不可以让我的心 做成嫁妆随你同行 借一口酒 掩饰不舍的泪光 闭上眼,吞下声声呜咽 思念,从此刻开始漫延 阿依妞妞 你要远嫁了…… Married woman's father Author/ Zhonghuashama Translator / Jing Hao ( UK) Ayi Niu Niu, you have to marry far away Friends come from all over to bless you Under the full moon Drinking ninety-nine jars of wine Ayi NiuNiu, you have to marry far away The family came from all directions to celebrate In ancient songs Eating ninety-nine fat sheep Ayi Niu Niu, you have to marry far away Have you ever thought about it? I will inevitably be lonely in the future Who will count my white hair and grow a few more? Ayi NiuNiu, you have to marry far away Please leave a smile Filled with a happy boudoir afraid of loneliness Don't let my poems paper basket Ayi NiuNiu, you have to marry far away The night after you leave will be long and lonely Can you take my heart And made it your dowry I am drinking wine to help Conceal my sobbing tears Closing my eyes, I swallow the sound and choke Missing you, starting from this moment Ayi NiuNiu You have to marry far away...