Written in your heart

Written in your heart

2017-08-21    02'19''

主播: (停更)千灯万年

215 5

芭比系列真的肥肠好看~歌曲也很好听,小时候就在芭比身上学了挺多,然后也很羡慕芭比的翅膀和裙子们哈哈哈 这首歌送给少女心的你,或者迷茫的你, 命运在你心。 E-And you're always free to begin again, E:你永远都有重新开始的机会, And you're always free to believe, 你永远都有坚守信仰的自由, When you find the place that your heart belongs, 当你找到心之所属的地方, You'll never leave, 便不会再离开, A-You and I will always be, A:你我永远都会, Cwlebrating life together, 共同为美好的生活喝彩, both-I know I have found a friend forevermore, 合:我知道我已找到可以相守终生的朋友,E-Love is like a melody, E:爱是一支旋律, One that I will always treasure, 我会永远珍惜, both-Courage is the key that opens every door, 合:勇气是开启所有大门的钥匙, Though you may not know where your gifts may lead, 也许你不知道上天赐予你的究竟是什么,And it may not show at the start, 它也不会在最初就呈现, When you live your dream,you'll find destiny... 但当你为梦而付出,你就会发现, Is written in your heart, 命运,已写在你心中, all-Though you may not know where your gifts may lead, 也许你不知道上天赐予你的究竟是什么,And it may not show at the start, 它也不会在最初就呈现, When you live your dream,you'll find destiny... 但当你为梦而付出,你就会发现, Is written in your heart, 命运,已写在你心中。  (来自@网易云音乐) 悄悄在最后说一下,我很喜欢唠嗑的,恩,所以,请多多评论吧~吐槽抱怨啥的,我虽然话废,但我会发表情呀~