

2018-05-15    02'48''

主播: 经典英语朗读

10268 269

I'd like to live with you in a small town 我想和你一起生活在某个小镇 Where there are eternal twilights and eternal bells 共享无尽的黄昏和绵绵不绝的钟声 And in a small village inn 在这个小镇的旅店里 The faint chime of ancient clocks like droplets of time 古老时钟敲出的微弱响声像时间轻轻滴落 And sometimes, in the evenings, from some garret ——A flute 有时候,在黄昏,自顶楼某个房间传来笛声 And the flautist himself in the window 吹笛者倚著窗 And big tulips in the window——sills 而窗口大朵郁金香 And maybe, You would not even love me 此刻你若不爱我,我也不会在意 In the middle of the room——a huge tiled oven, 在房间中央,一个磁砖砌成的炉子, on each tile ——a small picture 每一块磁砖上画著一幅画 A rose——a heart——a ship 一颗心,一艘帆船,一朵玫瑰 And in the one window 而自我们唯一的窗户张望 Snow, snow, snow 雪,雪,雪 You would lie——thus I love You 你会躺成我喜欢的姿势 Idle, Indifferent, carefree 慵懒,淡然,冷漠 Now and then...now and then the sharp strike of a match 一两回点燃火柴的刺耳声 The cigarette glows and burns down 你香烟的火苗由旺转弱 And trembles for a long, long time on its edge 烟的末梢颤抖著,颤抖著 In a gray brief pillar ——of ash 短小灰白的烟蒂——连灰烬 You're too lazy even to flick it 你都懒得弹落 And the whole cigarette flies into the fire 香烟遂飞舞进火中 玛琳娜·伊万诺夫娜(Marina Tsvetaeva):俄国诗人和作家。1892年生于莫斯科。16岁发表了她的第一篇诗歌,18岁发表首部诗集《傍晚的纪念册》。1920年代发表《里程碑》。1922年移居布拉格。1939年回国。1941年自杀身亡。20世纪俄罗斯最伟大诗人。