Sometimes, It Is Good To Be Alone
“It is necessary for me, sometimes, to just be alone and quiet and doing nothing.” Charles Bukowski, one of my favorite poets, once wrote this.
“有时候,我必须独自一人,只是安静地呆着,不做任何事。”我最喜爱的诗人之一,Charles Bukowski曾写过这样的文章。
I went on a walk today, by myself. I’ve come to learn that it is healthy to be alone at times. It is also freeing: for the mind, for the heart, and for the soul. Just like you spend time with the people you love, you have to spend time with yourself. You can’t always do that when you are around others. At times, your heartbeat can drown in the noise and you can’t hear what your heart is saying to you. Likewise, your mind can be preoccupied and too chaotic to the point that you can’t understand your thoughts.
It is important to learn how to be alone. During the time that I spent alone on the walk, I reflected on some things that I had placed in the back of my mind. Doing that can place a burden on you. You have no idea how much burying things in the back of your mind can subconsciously affect you. You need to listen to yourself.
Introspection is important. It is essential to observe your own emotional processes. Self-awareness is important. You need to look inside of you in order to learn more about you. If you can’t do that, then it will be extremely hard to be in touch with your soul. And, you need your soul as much as your soul needs you.
Are you your own friend?
This is an important question to ask yourself. Make yourself the person who you would want to become best friends with. Don’t stop learning about yourself. There are always so many undiscovered places. You are like the ocean, with depths greater than you can imagine. You will never fully learn about yourself. But, you can keep discovering layers and layers.
这是一个你要扪心自问的重要课题。 让自己成为那个你想与之交朋友的人。不要停止了解你自己,总有许多还未被发掘的地方。你就像海洋,比你想象的深度还要深。你永远不会完全了解你自己,但是,你可以一层一层地挖掘自己。
Go on walks alone. Sit in silence. Listen to music that calms you. Do something, anything, that makes you feel at peace with yourself. Do something that allows you to learn more about who you are. Be your own friend. Go ahead, be alone. You need it…sometimes.
纪伯伦曾说“孤独,是忧愁的伴侣,也是精神活动的密友。” 孤独就像发烧一样,尽管使人不愉快,但它的存在仍然有意义。它使我们抑郁忧愁,与此同时,也会让我们远离喧闹,保护自己不过分的受到外界的侵扰。它既能引发抑郁但同时也会让我们远离伤害,它的力量以及潜能比起我们以前所知的更加强大。