

2018-10-12    02'03''

主播: 经典英语朗读

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My Life Was Kidnapped By A Cell Phone 我的生活被手机绑架了, I don't know when it first started. 我不知道这是从什么时候开始的。 I don't really talk to my friends anymore. 我已经不再和朋友们进行真正的交谈了。 We just send each other texts and emojis on social network. 我们仅仅是在社交网络上发发信息、发发表情。 And the ones who don't do this often gradually fade away from my daily life. 而那些不这么做的人,渐渐淡出了我的生活。 I don't even talk to my family much anymore. 我甚至都不怎么和家人讲话了。 They all have their wonderful lives inside their smartphones, just like me. 他们也都在各自的手机上有着精彩的生活就像我一样。 Those days when I can chat joyfully with people who I love inside a cosy restaurant 那些可以和所爱之人一起在一家温馨餐厅里 with mouthwatering feast in front of us are long gone. 一边享受眼前美味佳肴、一边愉快交谈的日子已经一去不复返了。 Sometimes when this thought come across my mind I realize that I really miss this. 有些时候,当这种想法忽然袭来的时候,我发现自己真的很怀念那种日子。 There are moments in which I thought to myself: Am I still myself? Or have I become my phone? 有些时候,我甚至想:我还是我自己吗?还是说,我已经变成了我的手机? Yes, technology is what keeps us going forward. 对,科技推动着我们不断向前。 But we really should not go too fast. 但我们真的不应该走得过快。 We need time to empty our minds and reflect on ourselves. 我们需要留出时间来放空自己,来自我反思。 We need time to feel all the feelings that make us human. 我们需要留出时间来感受那些让我们之所以为人的情感。