

2018-10-15    04'39''

主播: 经典英语朗读

11267 181

爱一个人会卑微到尘埃里。 ——张爱玲 有时候,上天没有给你想要的,不是因为你不配,而是你值得拥有更好的… I know you really like him. 我知道你真的很喜欢他。 I see the way you look at him when you thought no one else was looking. 你以为没人注意着,我却看到了你看他的方式。 He's different, you say. 你说,他不一样。 For whatever reasons they are, one look into his dark, mesmerizing eyes and you are lost. 无论有什么样的理由,当你看向他深邃的眼睛,你就迷失了方向。 When he flashes you his irresistible smile, you feel like your life is complete. 当他露出让人无法抗拒的微笑,你感到你的人生因他而完整。 When he gives you the time of day, you realize in the back of your mind how you would give anything to be with him. 当他为你抽出了一点时间,你意识到你愿意付出任何代价和他在一起。 Even if it's a fleeting feeling, temporary company, or a story that is not meant to be. 即使这只是转瞬即逝的感觉,只是短暂的陪伴,或者只是一个无意的故事。 I know you're hoping for a different outcome and you don't want to have any regrets. 我知道你希冀着不同结局,你不想有任何遗憾。 I know you're strong enough to walk through high fire and freezing hell. 我知道你足够强大,穿越熊熊大火和冰冷地狱。 I know you're worthy of love and you deserve a love who wants for who you are. 我知道你值得被爱,只因你本来的样子。 I just wish you know you're worth so much more than that. 我只是希望你知道,你的价值远不止于此。 I wish you could see your beauty, your goodness, and your strength that are some of the things I admire about you. 我希望你能知晓自己的美丽,你的善良,你的力量和你让我仰慕你的一切。 I wish you can believe me when I tell you, you deserve better. 我希望你能相信我,在我告知你“你值得更好的”的时候。 You deserve more than an “almost” and someone who you have to fight so hard for. 你值得更好的,而不是一个 “差不多”就让你为之拼命的人。 You deserve more than what you're going through now and an ambiguous relationship that tears you from the inside. 你值得更好的,不是一段让你如此煎熬、不断撕扯你内心的模糊关系。 You deserve more than uncertainty and grey area that makes you feel inferior to your own feeling. 你值得更好的,更不是一个让你觉得自己低人一等的、充满不确定性的灰色地带。 You deserve someone who looks at you and just knows that you're the one for him. 你值得一个只注视着你并把你当做唯一的人。 Someone who loves you deeply without holding anything back. 一个深深地爱恋着你对你毫无保留的人。 Someone who knows you deserve the world and gives you the best of him. 一个认为你值得全世界并给予你最好的人。 Because you do. 因为你值得。