

2018-11-13    05'44''

主播: 经典英语朗读

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What a Girl Shouldn't Say to Her Ex 一个女孩不应该对她的前任说什么 “You Are So Cheap” 你太小气了 Being cheap is not what a man intends or plans to do when he is around you. 当一个男人在你身边,他可不想变得“小气”。 In fact, paying for your shopping and dinners gives men a sort of an ego boost, 事实上,男人花钱带你购物,请你吃饭,也会随之而来一种自我膨胀的感觉, as it puts them in the position of being a provider. 因为他们处于“给予者”的位置。 Surely, he's done whatever he could while the two of you were together. 当然,你们在一起时,他也尽力做了他能做到的一切。 Maybe he had occasionally paid for your girlfriends too. 也许他有时还要为你的姐妹们买单。 So, remember the times when he's done it and let go when he hasn't. 所以,如果他这样做了,就念着他的好;如果他没有这样做,就放手吧。 Words like these would definitely sting like a bee, so be careful with your temper. 你说出口的话,也许会像蜜蜂一样蜇痛他,所以,当心自己的小脾气。 “You Will Never Be Happy Without Me” 没有我,你不会幸福的 When he decided to leave you, he knew he was unhappy. 当他决定离开你,他知道不会为此欣喜。 So he thoughtfully chalked out a plan to be happy in his head. 所以他在脑海中为自己策划了一个让自己开心起来的计划。 It included calling it quits with you and moving on to a new adventure. 也包括从此戒掉你,开始新的冒险。 So for your sake at least, avoid saying this. 所以为了你自己好,别说这句话。 “You Are a Complete Loser” 你就是个彻底的失败者 Maybe he is a complete loser. 也许他是个失败者。 But was he one when you were together? 但和你在一起的时候他是吗? Expecting your ex to match up to your expectations after a breakup is totally incorrect. 如果你期望分手后的前任与你的期望值相符,那你真的是大错特错。 Now that you've got rid of him, it hardly matters whether he is loser or an achiever, right? 你赶走了他,那么他是成功还是失败对你并不重要,没错吧? “It is All Your Fault” 都是你的错 Never is this statement true, and all it creates is unnecessary drama, which could lead to another fight. 这句话根本不能成立,这么说的话只会引发另一场争吵。 Remember, it always takes two to tango. 记住,一个巴掌拍不响。 ——————————————————— What a Guy Shouldn't Say to His Ex 一个男孩不应该对他的前任说什么 “You and My Mom Are the Same” 你和我妈一样 You need to understand that when she was mothering you, she meant those things out of care and concern for you. 你要知道,如果她像妈妈一样照顾你,那是出于对你的关心。 If those are not the things you expected from her, there is no point saying it now, as it is over! 如果这些不是你所期望的,你也不必说这样的话,反正你们之间也已经结束了! “You Should Have...” 你本应该… Do not even go there! 想都别这么想! There is always a long list of things that she should have and she could have. 总会有一个清单,上面写着她本应该做的和她没能做到的事。 But the point remains that, she didn't, and importantly, you didn't say it then. 但重点是,她没做,而当时你并没说什么。 So there remains no meaning to bringing up this topic now. 所以,现在再提没有任何意义。 Also, if you really intend to make her listen to these hypotheses, then be ready for a long list which she might draw up. 而且,如果你真的打算让她听你叨叨这些假设清单,那你做好心理准备,她也会给你列一个清单的。 “You've Never Done Anything for Me” 你什么都没为我做过 Really? If she hasn't done anything for you, what took you so long to breakup? 真的吗?如果她真的什么都没为你做过,那你为什么这么久才和她分手? Surely, there will be at least five things or times when she has thought of you before herself. 想必至少有五件事或者有五次,她把你放在了自己的前面。 It is time you count your blessings and move on. 是时候懂得知足往前走了。 “You Were the Reason Why I'm So Depressed” 你就是我郁闷的原因 You were old enough to get into a relationship and take your decisions then. 你也到了可以走入一段关系并为此负责的年龄了。 When every decision is yours, how can you blame someone else for your mental state? 决定是你自己下的,那凭什么要责备他人为你的精神状态买单? Being depressed is your issue and not hers. 郁闷是你自己的问题,不是她的。 And if you've already ended the relationship, the cause is gone too. 还有,如果你们已经分手了,这也不再能成为你的理由。 So kindly take responsibility for your actions, and see a shrink if needed. 所以请为你自己的行为负责,如果必要的话,去看心理医生吧。 Try to accept what has happened, and make peace with it by being grateful to what you have learned. 试着去接受发生的事情,与它和解,感激你所学到的。 A slight change of attitude will restore the calmness within you. 也许只要改变一点点你的态度,你的内心就会恢复以往的平静。 BGM:钢琴《有何不可》