

2018-12-14    04'55''

主播: 经典英语朗读

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他其实不是因为受过伤不敢爱、他其实不是怕给不了你未来、他其实不是不小心睡着、他其实不是在洗澡、他其实不是在开会、他其实不是工作太忙、他其实不是手机没电或静音、他其实不是心情不好、他其实不是父母反对……他其实只是没那么喜欢你。爱情是一件没办法勉强的事,走不进去的世界不要硬挤,走不进心里的人就放他走。 Six For Sure Signs He's Just Not That Into You (他没那么喜欢你的六种表现) Hello, text messages with no reply, late night phone calls or the agonizing never-ending game of cat and mouse… 短信不回,深夜电话,“猫和老鼠”的游戏永远没有尽头…… If you find that you relate to more than three of the following scenarios, 如果你以下的描述中你有三个以上都中标, it might be the time to throw in the towel with the person. 那么也许是时候放弃这个人了。 I write this with love. What you are about to read may seem harsh, but you know what they say: The truth hurts. 也许你将要读到的内容会很苛刻,但你知道的: 现实总是残酷的。 1.Communication only happens on weekends 只在周末和你联系 You only talk when it's time to make plans for the weekend… unless he throws you an “like” on social media. 当你要开始计划周末的活动,你们才能说上句话,或者就是社交媒体上给你点个赞。 An “like” is nothing more than a weak attempt at flirting. It's a click of a screen, people. 给你点个赞不过是小小地调戏你一下而已,不过是点一下屏幕而已啊,姑娘。 I don't care if he likes every photo you post or watches your WeChat stories, 我不管他是不是给你每张照片都点了赞,或者看了你发布的朋友圈, these things are just false hope of a relationship to come. 这些都只是“真爱来了”的假象。 When someone cares, they will do whatever it takes to make sure you know that. 如果一个人真的在乎你,他会尽全力付出一切来让你知道他在乎你。 If a guy doesn't care how your day went, chances are he has no plans of becoming your boyfriend. 如果一个人连你的日常生活都不在乎的话,那只能说他根本没想当你的男朋友。 2.He flat out tells you he's not ready for anything serious. 他竭尽全力地让你知道他还没有准备好。 Why do we always think we can change someone's mind? 为什么我们总是觉得自己能改变一个人的想法? A guy is coming right out and saying he isn't ready to commit, yet we think we can somehow change his mind. 一个男人直截了当地告诉你他还没准备好,而我们却想着如何才能转变他的想法。 Ask yourself this question: even if you could change his mind, 问问你自己:即使你能改变他的想法, do you really want to have to convince someone to care about you? 但你真的希望通过说服他的方式来让他在乎你吗? It sounds harsh, and that's because it is harsh. 这听起来挺伤人的,因为这的确很伤人。 The bottom line is you should never have to tell someone how great you are, 底线是你永远不要告诉那个人你有多优秀, the right person would have figured that out on their own. 那个对的他会自己发现你有多棒。 3.He teases you about your flaws 他拿你的缺点开玩笑 A polite bully is still a bully. You might think teasing is just playful flirting, but you could be wrong. 再有礼貌的混蛋也是混蛋。你可能觉得戏弄你一下不过是俏皮的调情,但你可能是错的。 Sometimes when a guy points out your flaws he could be trying to tell you in a subtle way that he's just not that into you. 有时候他指出你的缺点也许只是想用这种方式暗示你,你对他没那么重要。 Before you go changing who you are, remember that your flaws aren't always bad, they just don't appeal to everyone. 在你想要改变自己之前,要记住你的缺点不一定都是不好的,也许只是没办法吸引所有人。 4.You always send the first text 你总是那个先发消息的人 Is it acceptable to send the first text? Yes. 你是那个先发消息的人行不行?行。 Is it acceptable to always text first? NO! 你总是那个先发消息的人行不行?不行。 Have you ever sat around with friends looking for their reassurance about an unavailable guy? 你有没有过和姐妹们坐在一起为你的这个伴侣找理由开脱? We can always come up with a reasonable explanation of why he isn't texting. 我们好像总能为他不主动联系的行为找出一个合理的解释。 I hate to break it to you, pretty girl, but if you have to ask yourself if he's thinking about you, 我不愿意把话说破,姑娘,但是如果你总是要问自己对方是不是正在想你, chances are he's not thinking about you. 那么他应该是没有想你。 5.He's never taken you on an actual date 他从来没和你真正的约过会 Buying you drinks at a bar is not a date. 在吧台给你买杯喝的不叫约会。 Real dates require effort. If a guy intends to get to know you, he will put forth the effort to plan a real date. 约会需要实实在在的力气。如果你一个人真的想了解你,他会付出努力计划一个真实的约会的。 If he is hoping to take you home, his intent will most likely be to impress you by buying your drinks at a scrubby bar. 如果他只是在吧台给你买杯喝的,那他可能只是想把你带回家。 Actions and effort speak louder than words, my friends. 行动和努力胜于雄辩啊朋友。 6.You feel like you're trying too hard 你觉得自己太累了 The beginning phases of the relationship should be the easiest. 一段关系的开始应该是轻松而简单的。 Progress and date long term, real issues will come about. 只有随着交往的时间越来越长,才可能会发现一些问题。 So, if you are struggling in the beginning stages of a relationship, 所以,如果在一段关系的一开始你就觉得特别挣扎, how can you expect things to go when you hit with a real problem? 那当你们真的遇到问题的话又该怎么办呢? BGM:吉他《突然好想你》