

2019-01-03    04'23''

主播: 经典英语朗读

11269 154

爱是一场催眠,醒来之后你被谁吸了灵。爱过之后,总觉得不仅失去他,也失去了一部分自己。被爱的人总是掌灵者,去爱的人反而失魂。在每段真心付出的感情中,总有一个人献祭了灵魂,收获了残忍。 ——徐志摩 最怕空气突然安静    I fear most the sudden silence of the air 最怕朋友突然的关心   I fear most the friends’ sudden care 最怕回忆突然翻滚  绞痛着不平息   I fear most memories suddenly unbound and twisted 最怕突然听到你的消息  I fear most suddenly hearing news about you 想念如果会有声音 If missing you can make a sound 不愿那是悲伤的哭泣 I’d rather it not be the weeping of sorrow 事到如今 终于让自己属于我自己 Until now I fully belong to myself 只剩眼泪还骗不过自己 Yet tears remind me how I’ve fooled myself   突然好想你 Suddenly missing you 你会在哪里 where could you be 过得快乐或委屈 Are you happy or feeling wronged 突然好想你  Suddenly missing you 突然锋利的回忆 Suddenly a sharp memory 突然模糊的眼睛 Suddenly misted with tears   我们像一首最美丽的歌曲 We were like the most beautiful song 变成两部悲伤的电影 Turning into two tragic films 为什么你带我走过最难忘的旅行 Why you take me on the most unforgettable tour 然后留下最痛的纪念品  While then leaving me with such painful souvenir   我们那么甜那么美那么相信  We had so much sweetness, beauty and belief 那么疯那么热烈的曾经   We had so much crazy and fervent memory 为何我们还是要奔向各算的幸福和遗憾中老去 Why we still rush off each other to grow old in our own happiness and regrets   突然好想你 Suddenly missing you 你会在哪里 Where could you be 过得快乐或委屈 Are you happy or feeling wronged 突然好想你  Suddenly missing you 突然锋利的回忆 Suddenly a sharp memory 突然模糊的眼睛 Suddenly misted with tears BGM:钢琴《突然好想你》