

2019-01-21    01'42''

主播: 经典英语朗读

8784 89

THE FOX AND THE GRAPES 狐狸和葡萄 A hungry Fox saw some fine bunches of grapes hanging from a vine that was trained along a high trellis, and did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air. But it was all in vain, for they were just out of reach: so he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking, "I thought those grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour." 一只饥肠辘辘的狐狸,看见缠绕在高架上的葡萄枝挂着几串成熟的葡萄,就尽力向上跳,想要摘下那些葡萄。但无论他怎么努力,也是徒劳无功,因为他始终够不着那些葡萄。于是他放弃了,反而带着不屑一顾的样子走开了,边走边说:“还以为那些葡萄已经熟透了呢,现在看来根本就是酸葡萄。” BGM:钢琴《微微一笑很倾城》 《伊索寓言》是世界上最古老的寓言,由于形象生动、寓意深刻、富于哲理,在全世界流传两千五百余年。通过一个个小故事反映古代希腊人对生活和自然界的看法以及人与人之间的关系,使人趋向聪明、理智、沉稳,被誉为“寓言之父”。