

2019-03-18    03'13''

主播: 经典英语朗读

7056 80

What Was The First Thing You Did After A Break-up? 分手后你做的第一件事是什么? I drove through some beautiful, winding roads. 我开着车穿过一些美丽而又蜿蜒的公路。 I drove for over two hours, 我开了两个小时, sometimes crying。 眼泪不时的滑落下来。 But mostly feeling a sense of relief 但是其中大部分时候我感到解脱 and anticipation for the next chapter of my life. 并为接下来的人生感到宽慰和期待。 Accepted that he is never coming back. 试着接受他不会再回来。 But it was not easy. 但这并不容易。 If you want to relieve yourself of all the pain, 如果你想缓解你所有的伤痛, you have to understand it won't happen overnight. 你必须明白这不是一夜之间就能够做到的。 It's a process. 这需要一个过程。 You have invested months and years into this relationship, 你在这段关系中投入了大量的时间, so the cleansing process will take time. 所以疗伤的过程也需要时间。 I washed every piece of cloth in my house. 我洗干净家里的每件衣服。 I read and watched plenty of inspiring and motivational things on the Internet. 我在网上看了一大堆的励志鸡汤文。 Spend time with my family. 多和家人在一起。 Strive to become a better person. 努力成为更好的人。 BGM:钢琴《爱情转移》