

2019-04-10    04'34''

主播: 经典英语朗读

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享受当下,认真过好每一天 朗读:Lucy 绘图:老杨 BGM:林小平|吉他《想爱》 No One Is Going to Fix You 没人会来拯救你 If you are waiting for a knight in shining armor to gallop into your life and heal your broken heart, 如果你还在期盼白马王子帅气地闯入你的生活,呵护你受伤的心灵, you will be waiting forever. 那你只能永远等待下去了。 The only person who can help you is yourself. 能够救你的人只有你自己。 No one is going to fix you, so it is in your best interest to take personal responsibility for your own life. 不会有谁来拯救你,所以你最好还是为自己负起责任吧。 When you do that, you'll discover you are more powerful than you ever thought possible. 只有这样,你才会发现自己变得愈加坚强。 Life Will Never Be Perfect 生活并不完美 If you are waiting for the "right" time to do something 如果你还在等待“最佳时机”去做某事 pursue self-employment, begin a fitness plan, dive into the dating pool, or move to a new town 诸如创业、健身、恋爱或搬去新城市, you're going to be waiting forever. 那你也只能这么等待下去了。 There is no such thing as a "right" time to do anything. 世上根本就没有所谓的“最佳时机”。 This reaction is based on your fear-of-change, plain and simple. 你之所以这么想,完全是因为自己害怕改变,只想简单舒服混日子罢了。 Do the scary thing. You will be so glad you did. 现在就去做“可怕的”事情吧!相信你做了以后绝不会后悔。 The Past Is Already Written 过去已成定局 Have you ever made a mistake so monumental that you wish you could go back in time and do it all over again? 你以前是不是犯过重大错误,以至你真心希望时光倒流、从头再来? Join the club. It's called being human. 算了吧,你只是普通的人而已。 I know you might feel immense regret, but beating yourself up over something that is already done serves no purpose. 或许你悔得肠子都青了,但盯着过去的事情耿耿于怀又能怎样呢? Shift your attention to the present, where you can take control of your life and move forward into a better future. 还是活在当下,经营好现在的生活,努力创造更好的未来吧。 Tomorrow Is Not Guaranteed 明天是不确定的 The next time you catch yourself playing the "I will do it tomorrow" game, remember tomorrow is not guaranteed. 下次你再说“明天再做”时,请提醒自己:明天是不确定的。 Traffic accidents, heart attacks, and acts of violence do happen. 说不定你就会遇到交通事故、心脏病或暴力行为。 Live in the present and take action today, because that is where progress happens. 所以,活在当下,今天就去行动,这样才能取得进步。 Just Because You're "Busy" Doesn't Mean You're Accomplishing Something “忙碌”并不代表你完成了什么事情 If you like to brag about how great you are at multitasking, stop it, because you are only kidding yourself. 如果你喜欢吹嘘自己多么擅长同时处理多项任务,那还是算了吧,别自欺欺人了。 Changing tasks without rhyme or reason is wasting your productivity, stressing you out, 毫无节拍或理由地换任务只会浪费精力、徒增压力, and possibly causing you to make mistakes. 甚至使你犯错。 Different tasks require different mind-sets, so focus on one thing at a time. 不同任务需要不同的思维状态,所以,最好一次只专注一件事。 Being "busy" does not guarantee that you are doing something useful. “忙忙碌碌”并不表示你在有效做事, it probably means you are doing a lot of things badly. 或许你只是在焦头烂额地斡旋于多个事情中罢了。