

2019-08-25    01'42''

主播: 经典英语朗读

15346 183

That day I was twenty-one, and in the golden age of my life. I had so many desires; I wanted to love, to eat, and to be turned in a flash into the half-bright and half-dark cloud in the sky. 那一天我二十一岁,在我一生的黄金时代。我有好多奢望。我想爱,想吃,还想在一瞬间变成天上半明半暗的云。  Only much later did I realize that life is a slow process of being hammered. People grow old day after day, their desire disappears little by little, and finally they become like those hammered bulls. 后来我才知道,生活就是个缓慢受锤的过程,人一天天老下去,奢望也一天天消失,最后变得像挨了锤的牛一样。  However, that idea never crossed my mind on my twenty-first birthday. I thought I would always be lively and strong, and that nothing could beat me. 可是我过二十一岁生日时没有预见到这一点。我觉得自己会永远生猛下去,什么也锤不了我。  作者:王小波 背景音乐:《时间都去哪了》