

2019-09-13    02'39''

主播: 经典英语朗读

15315 138

Most of us have at least one friend we consider toxic: 大多数人周尾都至少有一个浑身散发负能量的“有毒”朋友: the loser friend who disrupts our entire world the second they step into it. 只要他们前脚踏足,我们的世界马上变得乱七八糟。 We know things would be so much easier if we cut them loose. 我们都知道远离这样的朋友,事情会变得更加轻松愉快。 It's not going to be easy, 然而这不是容易做到的事, but letting them go is a necessary part of creating the life you've always wanted for yourself. Otherwise: 想要过上自己想要的生活,远离他们是必须的,否则: They'll hold you back from your full potential. 他们会耗光你所有的潜能。 The biggest thing I learned from my experience with friends like these is that 我个人对于这类朋友最大的感受就是, you'll never live up to your full potential if you're constantly weighed down by unnecessary drama and complication. 如果你长期被他们不必要的戏剧化和复杂性干扰,你永远无法发挥自己最大的潜能。 Consider your loser friends the loose floorboard in that support system, constantly distracting you from your goals. 把那些负能量朋友请出你的朋友圈吧,他们做的只是阻挡你的脚步。 They'll make you feel like crap about yourself. 他们会让你觉得自己很糟糕。 When they want you to do something you don't want to do, 当他们想让你做你不愿意做的事情, they'll constantly nag you and make you feel guilty about being who you are until you cave to their demands. 他们会一直缠着你,让你有负罪感,直到你满足他们的无理要求。 It's an incessant, vicious cycle that won't end until you put a stop to it. 这样一来会形成恶性循环,无休无止。 If you don't, get ready for a wide array of self-esteem issues. 如果不远离,你就必须做好承受各类打击自信的心理准备。 They'll dim the good things in your life. 他们会毁了你生活中一切美好事物。 You'll be so focused on their drama, needs, and wants, 他们总是迫使你关注他们戏剧化的情绪、需要和欲望, the stress of your friendship will cause you to lose focus on the aspects of your life that are going well. 这种友情的压力会让你无法好好关注自己正在努力奋斗的生活。 Simply put, negativity breeds negativity —is this really how you want your life to be? 简单说,消极带来消极——你难道真希望生活变糟么? BGM:《看到流星想起你》