

2019-09-25    03'13''

主播: 经典英语朗读

13244 110

The common man gets up in the morning To work in order to feed his family, The common man struggles to make ends meet Not letting his family go hungry, The common man prays for his family daily From any hurt harm or danger That's what the common man does. 他起个大早 赚钱养家 勉强糊口 不让家人 挨饿受冻 祈求家人平安 无灾无险 这就是普通人的一天 The common man loves his wife and kids, Holding things together every day. The common man works sunrise to sunset Does what he can in every way. The common man is peaceable to his fellow man Not in war with his neighbor Being the kind of man who loves---- Yeah, that's what the common man does. 他爱自己的妻子和孩子 操持内外 日出到日落 操劳不止 拼尽全力 亲和同事 邻里和谐 宽厚仁爱 这就是普通人的日常 The common man believes in God And all His wondrous things He do, Prays with his family daily He tries to be true, True to his family and his God That's common man as you see And that's what he does. 他有信仰 努力真诚 对家人,对信仰 这就是我们身边普通人的模样 In case you haven't seen one Look around and take a good look---- And you'll surely find out and understand The common man and his purpose Yes that's what the common man does. 如果你从没见过这样的人 仔细看看你身边 相信你就能发现 相信你会理解他 毕竟他就是这么个普通人 ——《The Common Man》(普通人) BGM:钢琴&琵琶《柔情似水》