

2019-10-17    01'57''

主播: 经典英语朗读

15567 174

Never stop caring about the little things in life. 时刻关注生活的细节 Never stop dreaming, and don't give into strife. 时刻保持梦想,不要向困难屈服 Never stop wondering are we on our own. 时刻问问自己是否孤立无援 Never stop thinking has your spirituality grown. 时刻问问自己的精神是否有所成长 Never stop building bridges that lead to better tomorrows. 时刻为美好的明天而努力 Never stop feeling amazed at the beauty that surrounds you. 不要忽视身边的美好 Never stop hearing the music, and don't give into the blues. 不要忽视音乐的重要,不要向悲伤屈服 Never stop pushing away negative thoughts that make you feel sad. 不要沉浸于让自己忧伤的消极的想法 Never stop looking at all the miracles we have had. 不要忽视已经发生的奇迹 Never stop loving the ones you hold dear. 不要忘记身边挚爱的亲人 Never stop giving, and don't give into the fear. 不要忘记给予,不向恐惧屈服 Never stop smiling, but look forward to each new day. 不要停止微笑,期待每一个明天 Never stop shining in your own special way. 不要放弃自己的闪光点 Never forget that all storms will clear. 不要忘了所有的风雨都会过去 Remember brighter tomorrows are always near. 不要忘了美好的明天总是近在眼前 —《Never Stop Being You》(做自己) Terrie Brushette(特里-布鲁塞塔) BGM:钢琴《没有遗憾》