

2018-11-25    04'34''

主播: ♣方家三郎♠

551 3

当你遇到一件事情,已无法解决,甚至是已经影响到你的生活、心情时,不妨停下脚步,给心灵一个修禅打坐的时间。或许换种方法,或许换种角度,或许换条路来走事情便会简单了许多。 “如果我们走的太快,要停一停等候灵魂跟上来”。 fire runs through mybody with loving you. pain runs through my body of my love for you. pain like a boil about to burst with my love for you, consumed by fire with mylove for you. i remember what you said to me. i'm thinking of your love for me. i'm torn by your love for me. pain and more pian