English Corner-Read for You: I Like for You to Be Still

English Corner-Read for You: I Like for You to Be Still

2018-10-28    10'08''

主播: CTBU校园之声

1338 9

I Like for You to Be Still I like for you to be still, it is as though you are absent. And you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you. It seems as though your eyes had flown away, and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth. As all things are filled with my soul, you emerge from the things, filled with my soul. You are like my soul, a butterfly of dreams, and you are like the word Melancholy. I like for you to be still, and you seem far away. It sounds as though you are lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove. And you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you. Let me come to be still in your silence. And let me talk to you with your silence, that is bright as a lamp, simple as a ring. You are like the night, with its stillness and constellations. Your silence is that of a star, as remote and candid. I like for you to be still, it is as though you are absent, distant and full of sorrow, as though you had died. One word then, one smile, is enough. And I'm happy, happy that it's not true. If you have any questions or advice, please leave comments to us, thanks for listening to our program, see you next time! 如果您有什么问题或者好的建议,欢迎给我们留言。感谢您的收听,下期节目再见啦! Staff: Hostess: Iris Editor:徐蕊(Iris) 胡琼婧 Executive Producer:金潇 BGM: Let Her Go-Boyce Avenue/ Hannah Trigwell かたわれ時 (黄昏之时)- RADWIMPS  Safe And Sound-Madilyn Bailey Near or Far-Carissa Rae