English Corner——Where  wind comes from

English Corner——Where wind comes from

2022-04-24    14'29''

主播: CTBU校园之声

535 4

Introduction We are survivors in every sense. When spring comes, we go to see flowers, and in the afternoon, we hug loved ones when it is too late, hug them as tightly as we can, study hard, play heartily, and watch the sea instead of waiting for tomorrow. Every day that the wind blows may be tomorrow that others can't reach. 简介:我们是各种意义上的幸存者,春天来了我们就去看花,下午也去,在来得及时候拥抱爱的人,能相拥多紧就抱紧一点,学习就努力,玩耍就尽情,要看海就别等明天,风吹过的每一天可能都是别人到不了的明天。 Staff Hostess :冯冉然 Editor:冯冉然 Executive Producer :刘睿