English Corner--- The Heroic Spirit

English Corner--- The Heroic Spirit

2022-09-11    15'55''

主播: CTBU校园之声

2194 11

简介: This "heroic spirit" is attributed to both Chongqing and the Chinese people. This "epic fire fighting", from the whole country. What the ordinary and brave people shine with them is the blood, will and unity of the Chinese people in the face of disaster or foreign enemies. 这股“英雄气”既是重庆的,也是中国人民的。这场“史诗般的救火”,来自全国的托举之力。普通而又勇敢的人们身上闪耀着的,便是中国人民面对灾难或外敌时所共有的血性,意志和团结。 If you have anything wanna share with us or talk with us,you shall leave your message without hesitation.Have a nice dream! 如果你有任何想要分享之事或想要与我们深入交流,你都可以在评论区毫不犹豫i留下你宝贵的建议,哪怕是只言片语。祝好! Staff Hostess:何阳 Editor:何阳 Executive producer:薛名扬