English Corner---Saluting the Fighters

English Corner---Saluting the Fighters

2022-11-06    12'25''

主播: CTBU校园之声

8358 29

简介: A little bit of fireflies, the human stars. After this arduous struggle, we have seen more than ever that the strong willpower and extraordinary cohesion of the Chinese people; and the people living in this land are stronger than ever. No matter what the wind and rain, can not stop our pace of progress. 点滴萤火,人间星河。经历过这场艰苦卓绝的斗争,我们比任何时候都清楚地看到,中国人民坚韧的意志力和非凡的凝聚力;生活在这片热土上的人民,也比任何时候都要坚定。无论怎样的风雨,都挡不住我们前进的步伐。 If you have anything wanna share with us or talk with us,you shall leave your message without hesitation.Have a nice dream! 如果你有任何想要分享之事或想要与我们深入交流,你都可以在评论区毫不犹豫留下你宝贵的建议,哪怕是只言片语。祝好! Staff Hostess:何阳 Editor:何阳 Executive producer:薛名扬